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raising money
From: Susan B honeybunny442 at yahoo.com> on 2006.02.10 at 17:07:16(13844)
Another way to raise money is to use eBay. Don't run screaming yet! First a non-profit organization signs up with a company named Missionfish, and then a person selling an item on ebay can choose a percentage of the sale (10% to 100%) to go to a certain nonprofit. EBay also marks the auction in a special way to let buyers know money is going to a charity. It is explained much better here: http://pages.ebay.com/help/sell/selling-nonprofit.html I am presently selling a lot of books to raise money for a dog rescue non-profit. You can see a listing here: http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&itemp06256630&rd=1&sspagename=STRK%3AMESE%3AIT&rd=1 The only drawback to the whole thing is that if the item sells, a minimum of $10 must go to the charity. So if your item sells for $9, the seller has to cough up the extra $1. If you give 90% or more to the charity, ebay will also donate the listing
and final value fees. I suppose a nonprofit has to have the certain numbers, and I do not know what type of a nonprofit the IAS is, but eBay is worth looking into, I think. This section of their info seems to be written for us! Direct Selling ?Your nonprofit organization can list an item for sale on eBay (make sure you first add your eBay User ID to
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Nonprofit My MissionFish account as a Direct Seller). You collect payment from the buyer, and you are responsible for providing a tax receipt, if applicable (MissionFish does not process the donation in this type of transaction, and therefore there is no deduction as described above). Reach millions of potential buyers for in-kind gifts you receive. Consider putting your next offline auction online to yield better results at lower costs and avoid volunteer burn-out. Put the power of the eBay Marketplace to work for you! Learn more about Direct Selling.
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