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  Anthurium with two bracts
From: "Bryant, Susan L." SLBryant at scj.com> on 2006.02.09 at 21:51:57(13843)
Title: Anthurium with two bracts

I saw this on a floral website....


From: "Abrimaal" abrimaal at wp.pl> on 2006.02.10 at 17:14:04(13845)
Title: Anthurium with two bracts


This is nothing new to me. Just look:
http://www.wschowa.com/abrimaal/araceum/aglaonema/treubinfldbl.jpg (Aglaonema
treubii - only one inflorescence occured like this in its lifetime, the rest
were normal)

From: Susan B honeybunny442 at yahoo.com> on 2006.02.11 at 02:58:02(13848)
As they are selling the flowers in the florist trade, I would say they always flower like that, or at least often enough to produce enough for the trade. Love your photos- here are some of my Zantedeschias with double or bizarre blooms- I call them my mutants. http://www.lakesidecallas.com/Mutant%20Calla%20Lilies.htm My feeling is they are caused by Giberellic Acid treatments to promote flowering. Susan
Yahoo! Mail
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From: "Abrimaal" abrimaal at wp.pl> on 2006.02.11 at 04:33:38(13856)
Susan, maybe you know the names of these





From: Susan B honeybunny442 at yahoo.com> on 2006.02.11 at 15:26:12(13865)
very interesting. I still think the first one is Majestic Red, it does have variable coloring- gets darker with age. The others I have no idea- would have to see the bloom and even then it is difficult- I have a list of over 230 names of Zants now with at least 28 differently named Aethiopicas- ridiculous! I like the Zant 2 leaves. Often this is a virus that causes the variation. I've had a few leaves something like that but the following year they grew normally. Allan Galloway also has a picture of a varigated leaf on his website. You might want to watch for the hybrid "Blaze". I've gotten a few that have a bit of hair or spines on the petiole. Neat. SusanAbrimaal wrote:
Susan, maybe you know the names of these Zantedeschias? http://www.wschowa.com/abrimaal/araceum/zantedeschia/red.htm http://www.wschowa.com/abrimaal/araceum/zantedeschia/zant1.htm http://www.wschowa.com/abrimaal/araceum/zantedeschia/zant2.htm Marek
Relax. Yahoo! Mail
From: bonaventure at optonline.net on 2006.02.11 at 18:16:01(13867)
It happens in Arisaema also.

Bonaventure Magrys

From: "mossytrail" mossytrail at hctc.com> on 2006.02.13 at 05:15:40(13876)
> Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2006 15:51:57 -0600
> From: "Bryant, Susan L."
> Subject: [Aroid-l] Anthurium with two bracts
> To: "Discussion of aroids"
> Message-ID:
From: "Derek Burch" derek at horticulturist.com> on 2006.02.16 at 17:12:20(13880)
I may have missed a mention of Anthurium'Twingo' which I first saw in the
Amsterdam show about five years ago. You can see pictures of it by entering
that name as a google search, and clicking 'images'. I have quite a nice
digital image that I would be glad to make available to IAS. Derek

From: Albert M Huntington amh at ieee.org> on 2006.02.17 at 19:47:56(13883)

Thanks for the photo. I've put it up in the gallery page under
a new heading - Aroid Oddities.

If anyone else has a picture of an odd inflorescence or other
aroid aberration that's their own work, I'd be grateful for the
opportunity to add it to our new page.

There are additionally a couple of other website updates from
the past month or so that I haven't had a chance to announce:

- Our collection of Aroideana covers is finally up to date. See

- A page by Scott Hyndman about Aroideae Maximilianae is finally
available in the gallery, and full scans are available to members
in the members section.

As always, if there are any website issues, please let me know.

--Albert Huntington

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