IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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  It is now 2006
From: "Bryant, Susan L." SLBryant at scj.com> on 2006.02.08 at 13:51:36(13826)
Title: It is now 2006

While we are on the subject of money, how many of us have paid their dues for 2006?


From: "snowsexotics" snowsexotics at cox.net> on 2006.02.09 at 00:30:19(13832)
Title: It is now 2006

I am so glad you reminded me

From: Thomas.Croat at mobot.org on 2006.02.09 at 00:47:55(13833)
Title: It is now 2006

Dear Susan:

Are you now in charge of membership? I just
wrote to Tricia to see if there was any way of checking on payment of dues on
line. It might be a good way to get those who have not paid to pay up,
peer pressure, sort to? Any ideas?


From: "michael mahan" agavestar at covad.net> on 2006.02.09 at 07:46:14(13835)
Title: It is now 2006

need to know if I have paid my dues for this year yet ..my wife is the
one who sends the checks out every year in December to all the org’s that
I’m in & she can’t remember if she sent this one in .. Michael

From: "Bryant, Susan L." SLBryant at scj.com> on 2006.02.09 at 16:31:40(13841)
Title: It is now 2006

Hi Tom,
No, I'm not in charge of membership anymore, the last I
heard Paul Resslar was handling things very efficiently.

:) I just felt like nagging....

From: "Famille FERRY" jpcferry2 at wanadoo.fr> on 2006.02.09 at 17:26:31(13842)
Title: It is now 2006

Enregistrez vos
informations de paiement via PayPal.

Enregistrez vos informations afin
d'utiliser votre compte PayPal existant pour vos
prochains achats. Vous ne trouverez pas plus
rapide, plus simple ni plus pratique pour acheter en
ligne.Pas besoin d'entrer vos informations Ã
chaque achat en ligne.Vos informations
personnelles et financià ¨res sont sà ©curisà ©es et ne sont
jamais communiquà ©es.Vous pouvez facilement
afficher votre historique des transactions à tout
moment.Pour crypter et enregistrer vos
informations maintenant, cliquez sur ce lien :

Genevià ¨ve FERRY,Cet email confirme que vous avez envoyà © $30,00
USDInternational Aroid Society à l'aide de PayPal. Conversion de devise :
â‚ ¬25,49 EUR = $30,00 USDDevise d'origine :
EURDevise finale : USDTaux de change : 1,17739Cette transaction
apparaà ®tra sur votre relevà © de carte bancaire sous l'intitulà © "PAYPAL

Contenu du Panier PayPal


Nom de l'objet :

IAS membership, international

Numà ©ro d'objet :


Quantità © :


Total :

$30,00 USD

Sous-total du panier

$30,00 USD


Total du panier :

$30,00 USD

DÃ ©tails du paiement

Numà ©ro de
transaction :


Total :

$30,00 USD

Acheteur :

Genevià ¨ve FERRY

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