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  Collecting climbers.
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2006.01.15 at 11:17:41(13703)
Reply-To : Discussion of aroids
Sent : Saturday, January 14, 2006 10:59 PM
To : "Discussion of aroids"
Subject : Re: [Aroid-l] Colletogyne vs. climbers.

Having been born and raised in tropical jungles, I too can appreciate your
experiences, as I too have climbed MANY a jungle giant, through wasps, ants
and sometimes scorpions hidden in spiny clumps of Bromeliads, when after an
aroid or an orchid in daylight, and have gone after several tree-boas up in
the canopy at night too! Ah, the follies of youth! (and way too late into
adulthood!). Also, you have not LIVED until you have tried unsucessfully
to extricate the rhizome of an Anaphyllopsis or Urospatha sp., deeply buried
2 ft. or more in putrid, black swamp mud, intertwined in the wire-like roots
of a tropical mangrove. Swarming stinging-ants, mosquitos, black stinging
flies, sweat bees and those small, flesh-eating wasps that alight on ones
face, or enter ones pants legs (and try to remove small bits of flesh from
the tip of intimate areas), and then sting when swatted at, are best ignored
under these conditions! Now THAT is having FUN!!!
On a more serious note, has any progress been made into solving the
sincronized/simultanous and seemingly world-wide blooming of the var. form
of Epipremnum, seemingly much like that which occurs in some species of
Bamboo?? Has it bloomed since the last recorded mass blooming, which I
believe wasi back in the 60`s??? There is an actual report/article
recording this mass blooming in an early Aroideana!

The Very Best,


From: "Peter Boyce" botanist at malesiana.com> on 2006.01.18 at 09:14:53(13711)

I suspect that E.aureum (syn E. pinnatum 'Aureum') in cultivation is clonal
(with various somatic forms having arisen and been maintained over the
decades) and that the syncronized flowering is because it's all one (very
shy flowering) plant.


From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2006.01.18 at 22:10:37(13718)
Reply-To : Discussion of aroids
Sent : Wednesday, January 18, 2006 9:14 AM
To : "Discussion of aroids"
Subject : Re: [Aroid-l] Collecting climbers.

Dear Pete,

That all E. pinnatum 'Aureum' probably all came from/originated from one
collected clone is probably correct, but I wonder as to the 'why'/cause of
all these many plants, distributed all over the world, and thus presumably
subjected to different growing/light conditions, just all at the same time
up and blooming, especially after NOT doing so for many yeasr between
bloomings. I think the intrim in this case is somewhere around 30 + years!
I know that some bamboos do it, even when on opposite sides of the world,
much like this plant!! What an interesting thing. Any further ideas??

The best,


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