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  Iron Chef - Konnyaku- jelly cups !!
From: "michael mahan" agavestar at covad.net> on 2005.11.22 at 08:42:39(13565)
These fruit jelly cups have been outlawed
here California. Many children have been killed &/OR brain damaged ,from these
as they lodge in the throat AND do not dissolve making them a very cruel plug
that can’t be easily removed except in a hospital setting ,with that
being way to late to save the child’s life

Michael Mahan

From: piaba piabinha at yahoo.com> on 2005.11.22 at 16:46:21(13566)
i'm surprised at people choking on these jelly cups,
but then i shouldn't. i always thought the choking
hazard was from its size, not its consistency (which
is no different than regular jelly), and with young
children or pets swallowing the whole thing, cup and
all. i'm surprised they don't just outlaw jelly

From: "Weaver, Bill" bill.weaver at hp.com> on 2005.11.22 at 23:53:30(13569)
Actually three Califonia children died as a result of choking
on them. The
problem being that they are quite soft and pliant and
the proper size to block
the throat if inhaled whole. While their import is
now prohibited in California,
they can still be found if you know where to look. (I especially
like the
ones with a segment of mandarin orange in


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