From: Emily.Yates at on 2005.08.25 at 19:59:26(13321)
Title: Update on the IAS Newsletter
Hi Aroid-L'ers,
Just an update on the IAS Newsletter. We currently have the next issue of the IAS newsletter (Issue #4) with the printers and it should be out near the first week of September, in plenty of time to update everyone on the upcoming Aroid Show and Sale. There will be one more issue of the Newsletter in 2005 - due to come out in early to mid December. I'd like to get submissions for that newsletter by Friday November 11, 2005.
The address for submission of articles for the newsletter will be changing - please send them to As of September 1st, the email will no longer work - I'm taking a new job and moving to Nevada from St. Louis!
As always, new ideas are always welcome! Please send me notes on research projects, methods for growing Aroids, collecting trips, recipes using Aroids, stories, news, book reviews, awards fellow Aroiders have won, recent Aroid literature of interest to you, useful websites, upcoming events and conference announcements, and artwork (line drawings) and photos.
Thanks for the great submissions so far - I look forward to hearing from you all.
Emily Yates
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Emily Yates
Research Specialist (Araceae)
Missouri Botanical Garden
P. O. Box 299
St. Louis, MO 63166-0299
(314) 577-5163
Featuring SUMO!
Sat. Sept. 3 - Mon. Sept. 5
"To discover and share knowledge about plants and their environment, in order to preserve and enrich life." - mission of the Missouri Botanical Garden
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