thermometer..and right now it's 20*C during our
winters with alot of snow and rain...temps dip to -15C
and hang there with the occasional storm wind dropping
them to -35*C...our frost line is around 3-4 ft down
depending on the part of the state your in and the
soil type...we're talking ice is softer then the
ground here come december-january..in feb we get
warming of-10 to 0* C but the soil stays frozen til
around march then all that snow melts and the rains
start and then we get frosts and snap freezes
In the last two years we've seen daffodils lost
tulips lost even crocus killed..
so I think I'm going to leave my sauramatums in pots
and indoors...lol...but I shall leave them out longer
til hard frost to chill them down furhter as I've been
bringing them in in Sept. with most other things maybe
late as oct when they threaten the first frost of 0*C.
th'x again all...this may just get them growing better
kfb - maine
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