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Hardy Sauromatum?
From: Floral Architecture john at floralarchitecture.com> on 2005.07.05 at 17:28:48(13126)
I was given a Sauromatum by a friend in Columbus, OH that is fully hardy on Canton, OH (z5b). It blooms every year, sets seeds and pups religiously. Can anyone tell me what it is?
The leaf is large, about 3' tall and it really spirals from the center to the edges. I don't know if it has reseeded itself as I am only there a couple weeks at a time. I have thought about harvesting the seeds but I haven't.
I have some of the same plant here in L.A., CA but it has only produced one flower and that was when I was in OH so I missed it.
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John Ingram in L.A., CA. www.floralarchitecture.com "Your Clivia Connection"john@floralarchitecture.com310.709.1613 (cell, west coast time, please call accordingly. Thank you)_______________________________________________
Aroid-l mailing list
From: Don Martinson llmen at wi.rr.com> on 2005.07.06 at 00:09:08(13130)
I was given a Sauromatum by a friend in Columbus, OH that is fully
hardy on Canton, OH (z5b). It blooms every year, sets seeds and pups
religiously. Can anyone tell me what it is?
Probably just the same Typhonium venosum, as it is now called.
The leaf is large, about 3' tall and it really spirals from the
center to the edges. I don't know if it has reseeded itself as I am
only there a couple weeks at a time. I have thought about harvesting
the seeds but I haven't.
Typhonium venosum is one of those plants which offsets or pups so
freely that it is hardly worth the bother of harvesting and
germinating seeds unless you have some specific reason for doing so.
My experience with this plant, which has only overwintered for me
once here in Milwaukee, is that it is hardy in the ground to about 0
or +5 degrees F. Siting next to a building or additional mulch will
probably gain you another 10 or 15 degrees lower in temp.
Don Martinson
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Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Aroid-l mailing list
From: "danny wilson" mudwasp_ at hotmail.com> on 2005.07.06 at 02:45:55(13132)
Sauromatum venosum. I dont think there are any other species in Sauromatum, are there? (Sauromatum is now synonimous with Typhonium)>From: Floral Architecture >Reply-To: Discussion of aroids >To: aroid-l@gizmoworks.com>Subject: [Aroid-l] Hardy Sauromatum?>Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2005 10:28:48 -0700 (PDT)>>>I was given a Sauromatum by a friend in Columbus, OH that is fully hardy on Canton, OH (z5b). It blooms every year, sets seeds and pups religiously. Can anyone tell me what it is?>>The leaf is large, about 3' tall and it really spirals from the center to the edges. I don't know if it has reseeded itself as I am only there a couple weeks at a time. I have thought about harvesting the seeds but I haven't.>>I have some
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of the same plant here in L.A., CA but it has only produced one flower and that was when I was in OH so I missed it.>>>>>John Ingram in L.A., CA.>www.floralarchitecture.com "Your Clivia Connection">john@floralarchitecture.com>310.709.1613 (cell, west coast time, please call accordingly. Thank you)>_______________________________________________>Aroid-l mailing list>Aroid-l@gizmoworks.com>http://www.gizmoworks.com/mailman/listinfo/aroid-l
Aroid-l mailing list
From: "Abrimaal Svartvinter" abrimaal at o2.pl> on 2005.07.06 at 08:04:17(13135)
It's not synonymous. The genus Sauromatum with 1
or 2 species has been moved in 2000 to Typhonium counting about 80
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----- Original Message -----
To: aroid-l@gizmoworks.com
Sent: Wednesday, July 06, 2005 4:45
Subject: RE: [Aroid-l] Hardy
Sauromatum venosum. I dont think there are any other species in
Sauromatum, are there? (Sauromatum is now synonimous with
Typhonium)>From: Floral Architecture >Reply-To:
Discussion of aroids >To:
[Aroid-l] Hardy Sauromatum?>Date: Tue, 5 Jul 2005 10:28:48 -0700
(PDT)>>>I was given a Sauromatum by a friend in Columbus,
OH that is fully hardy on Canton, OH (z5b). It blooms every year, sets seeds
and pups religiously. Can anyone tell me what it is?>>The leaf
is large, about 3' tall and it really spirals from the center to the edges. I
don't know if it has reseeded itself as I am only there a couple weeks at a
time. I have thought about harvesting the seeds but I
haven't.>>I have some of the same plant here in L.A., CA but it
has only produced one flower and that was when I was in OH so I missed
it.>>>>>John Ingram in L.A.,
CA.>www.floralarchitecture.com "Your Clivia
Connection">john@floralarchitecture.com>310.709.1613 (cell, west
coast time, please call accordingly. Thank
_______________________________________________Aroid-l mailing
Aroid-l mailing list
From: bonaventure at optonline.net on 2005.07.08 at 04:13:25(13152)
Hey Don,
Any dishes at your restaurant utilizing the harvest of bushels of Sauromatum tubers ha ha? I always thought I could go out to my yard if starving...
Bonaventure Magrys
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Cliffwood beach, NJ
----- Original Message -----
Date: Tuesday, July 5, 2005 8:09 pm
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Hardy Sauromatum?
> >I was given a Sauromatum by a friend in Columbus, OH that is
> fully
> >hardy on Canton, OH (z5b). It blooms every year, sets seeds and
> pups
> >religiously. Can anyone tell me what it is?
> Probably just the same Typhonium venosum, as it is now called.
> >
> >The leaf is large, about 3' tall and it really spirals from the
> >center to the edges. I don't know if it has reseeded itself as I
> am
> >only there a couple weeks at a time. I have thought about
> harvesting
> >the seeds but I haven't.
> Typhonium venosum is one of those plants which offsets or pups so
> freely that it is hardly worth the bother of harvesting and
> germinating seeds unless you have some specific reason for doing so.
> My experience with this plant, which has only overwintered for me
> once here in Milwaukee, is that it is hardy in the ground to about
> 0
> or +5 degrees F. Siting next to a building or additional mulch
> will
> probably gain you another 10 or 15 degrees lower in temp.
> --
> Don Martinson
> Milwaukee, Wisconsin
> llmen@wi.rr.com
> _______________________________________________
> Aroid-l mailing list
> Aroid-l@gizmoworks.com
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Aroid-l mailing list
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