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  P. adamantinum, P. saxicolum.
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2005.02.26 at 15:10:20(12737)
Dear Friends,

Well, after a miserable failure to obtain these and other 'smaller'
self-heading species of Philodendron by ordering seed from the S. American
source ( as far as I can determine, most if not all of the seeds sold as
being these species have grown to be P. 'selloum'), I am putting out a call
to all you members, lurkers, Botanical garden growers, etc. in an attampt to
locate specimens of these and any other 'minature'/smaller species or vars.
of the arborescent / "self heading" Philodendrons. I have seen P.
saxicolum 'in the flesh', also the TRUE minature P. selloum, and so am very
interested in seeing a P. adamantinum, if there is any garden or individual
out there with specimens of this or the other species mentioned, or one that
I do not already know about, please contact me on my e-mail at ---


From: Eric Schmidt leu242 at yahoo.com> on 2005.03.02 at 13:39:49(12749)
One that we are growing is Philodendron corcovadense.
I believe it is native to southern Brazil. I had seen
this growing in a yard of a house near Leu Gardens for
20 years. It is a self-header that grows 2-3ft tall
and survived the 20F freeze in 12/89. Some stems froze
back, some were only defoliated. It is like a small
version of P. bipinnatifidum but with entire leaves.
It even has that odor that P. bipinnatifidum has when
a leaf is cut or broke off. I drove by that house one
day and it was being renovated. The Philos were in a
pile in the driveway. I stopped and asked if I could
have them and they said yes. I "rescued" them and
planted them out at Leu Gardens. I have never seen
them for sale, hopefully they can get into tissue
culture. Here is a link to a photo;


Eric Schmidt

From: Tom philofan at philodendron.org> on 2005.03.03 at 03:21:04(12752)
Sounds like a great plant find and story, Eric. Like that old saying, "One man's garbage, another man's treasure" couldn't be more true.

Here is another link with a photo and description of it: http://davesgarden.com/pf/go/59574/index.html

Monocromatico (the poster) describes it as: "This is a native plant from the southeastern brazilian coastal areas, specially around Rio de Janeiro. The specimen used to describe the species came from the Corcovado hill, where the statue of Jesus Christ is erected, so that?s why the specific name "corcovadensis", meaning "from Corcovado".

The shiny bright green leaves stick out in my mind for this plant. Are there any current commercial sources for it?

-Tom Vincze

From: "Susan Bryant" coops at execpc.com> on 2005.03.03 at 13:13:18(12757)
Dear ERic,
Good for you to save it! And thanks for the photos, they are very
good. Your Z. aethiopica 'Green Goddess' looks a little odd, but that
is the fun of the Zs.

From: "Russ" chammer at cfl.rr.com> on 2005.03.03 at 21:39:32(12758)
Is that P. corcovadense at Leu's in a public area where I could see it if I
came to the
garden? Looks very interesting, and an interesting story about how you
came to
obtain it.


From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2005.03.06 at 15:55:55(12773)
>From: Tom <philofan@philodendron.org>
>Reply-To: Discussion of aroids <aroid-l@gizmoworks.com>
>To: Discussion of aroids <aroid-l@gizmoworks.com>
>Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] P. adamantinum, P. saxicolum.
>Date: Wed, 2 Mar 2005 19:21:04 -0800

Dear Tom, Eric and Friends,

Eric`s story reminds me of another story a friend in Miami tells, of her
finding, years ago, of what she refers to as 'minature P. speciosum'. It
used to grow in great quantity as a hedge in front of an old, Cuban-type
home in Miami, she was able to obtain a few plants of it whenever the
home-owner trimmed the hedge. Recently, as she became more aware of its
rarity, she went back to look for more, the home was gone, the hedge no
more. VERY sad!
I have sent another post w/ a couple of questions concerning these smaller
'self-headers', hopefully it will soon be posted on the aroid-l.
Good Growing,


From: Eugene Hoh hohe at symphony.net.au> on 2005.03.09 at 02:36:02(12779)
hi Julius,

And that reminds me of a page I saw recently on LariAnn Garner's Aroidia website, featuring Philo sp. "Dwarf Speciosum" (for which ID is requested...) which they're using for breeding - I wonder if it's the same plant. It has slim rambling stems, small blunt leaves with wavy margins, and bright reddish orange berries (unusual colour for Philodendron fruit?). Here are links:



Also - re. P. adamantinum in Hawaii:
In photos of Leland Miyano's garden near Honolulu (I've never been there - only seen pics, looks amazing - e.g. in William Warren's The Tropical Garden, Thames&Hudson 1991) you can sometimes see an unusual small Philo whose leaves have rather few lobes and look somewhat leathery. It resembles a drawing of P. adamantinum foliage in Simon Mayo's 'Revision of Philodendron subgenus Meconostigma' (Kew Bulletin 46, 1991), but I think some of the lateral lobes on the Miyano plant might have a secondary lobe or two. ( If Leland Miyano is still a practising landscape architect, perhaps it won't be too difficult to contact him? )

Hope this is useful.


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