Does this happen very often? NO! Could it happen and could you as a
commercial company be in big trouble? Yes!
As an individual, so far, the situation is a bit less strigent even
though legally it is the same.
Back to choices............. wrote:
This is not a real problem for most people shipping. I have sent many plants to California for years adn even recently. As long as it is just a regular package with nothign to draw attention to a business name. For that matter I have ordered from Nurseries in Cal. again recently (who will remain nameless) that have forced plants into a smaller unlabeled box so that they could ship them to me. I have even sent many packages to Europe and have recieved. I also do that often. The only risk of that is if you do get inspected at customs the package is thrown away. You then get a letter telling you. Oh yes but I also put something inthe box so thta I can describe that and divert attention. This has only happened to me one time in the past 5 years of doing this.
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