Pothos scandens
From: RAYMOMATTLA at cs.com on 2005.01.03 at 00:48:12(12533)
Anybody growing this odd Asian climber? Ive been hunting for it for a while but with little success. There are several Indian companies that offer it for sale so I might give it a try. I have heard it is quite hard to get rooted as a cutting. Anyone had success with it? Thanks,
Michael Mattlage
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From: Johnbalva at aol.com on 2005.01.03 at 20:27:59(12536)
Pothos scandens is a slow grower and an even slower plant to root. Best to
lift one of the runners into a pot of rooting mix and give it a year to get
established. it is a cute plant -but slooow.
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Aroid-l mailing list
From: "Peter Boyce" peterboyce at myjaring.net> on 2005.01.03 at 21:57:52(12537)
We have it and will be offering several forms later this year.
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----- Original Message -----
To: aroid-l@gizmoworks.com
Sent: Monday, January 03, 2005 8:48
Subject: [Aroid-l] Pothos scandens
Anybody growing this odd Asian climber?
Ive been hunting for it for a while but with little success. There are
several Indian companies that offer it for sale so I might give it a
try. I have heard it is quite hard to get rooted as a cutting.
Anyone had success with it? Thanks,Michael Mattlage
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Aroid-l mailing list
From: "Peter Boyce" peterboyce at myjaring.net> on 2005.01.03 at 21:58:55(12538)
Oh but this were true here in the wet
tropics where once established it's a weed!!!
----- Original Message -----
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To: aroid-l@gizmoworks.com
Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 4:27
Subject: Re: [Aroid-l] Pothos
Pothos scandens is a slow grower and an even slower plant to root. Best
to lift one of the runners into a pot of rooting mix and give it a year to get
established. it is a cute plant -but slooow.
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From: RAYMOMATTLA at cs.com on 2005.01.03 at 22:48:23(12539)
Well thanks for the headsup Pete, not that I have to be forced to look at those wonderful offerings in your newsletters (especially this past one since I LOVE shinglers!). Thanks all for the tips and suggestions, cant wait to grow this cuite.
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Aroid-l mailing list
From: "Gary" doji at hawaii.rr.com> on 2005.01.09 at 04:35:08(12563)
Hi Michael,
The University of Connecticut has an accession number for Pothos scandens
var. cognatus and has two plants as of 9/24/04. See http://florawww.eeb.uconn.edu/acc_num/198500924.html
I was going to offer to send you a 3 meter tip cutting or more, but
it turns out the local plant is Epipremnum aureum, (maybe). There seems to
be some confusion as to exactly which species it is, but it is locally known as
a Pothos species. Checking the nurseries here, no one claims to have
Pothos scandens. Sorry.
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Gary in Hilo, HI
Aroid-l mailing list
From: RAYMOMATTLA at cs.com on 2005.01.09 at 18:43:28(12566)
Thanks so much for your help. Pothos is a completely seperate genus from Epipremnum. The mistake of calling E. aureum, "Pothos or Golden Pothos" is all too common in the continental US as well. I think at one point it was considered to be in the genus Pothos, then switched to Rhaphidophora (Ive seen it listed as that too), then to Epipremnum, or at least something like that. Peter has a wonderful article in the last Aroideana explaining in detail the cultivated forms of Epipremnum. I think there has been lots of discussion here on Aroid-L too. The greenhouses at U of Conn. look to have a very nice collection. I wouldnt mind visiting there one day. Thanks for the link and again for the offer, (and checking around for me.)
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