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  Storing nan-hardy plants in a fridge
From: "Abrimaal Svartvinter" <abrimaal at o2.pl> on 2004.12.03 at 02:35:52(12454)

I live in zone 6 equivalent in Europe. I have some tubers and
seeds (some germinated last Summer some didn't yet) which are not hardy in my
country e.g. Dracunculus vulgaris and some mediterranean Arum.
So I keep them for Winter in a refrigerator in pots with soil. Should I
keep them dry or water occasionally?

Marek Argent

From: "A. L. Clement" <al.clement at planet.nl> on 2004.12.03 at 21:24:09(12456)
Dear Marek

There is one thing that I don't understand are you going to grow or store
you Dracuncullus and Arum tubers in the refrigerator. Dracuncullus and Arum
are wintergrowing species they are starting to grow around this time of year
and die down in the spring early summer.
I would see water occasionally and place them in a sunny spot.

With best wishes,
Arno Clement

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