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From: "Patricia Frank" <tricia_frank at hotmail.com> on 2004.09.13 at 00:25:42(12188)
Ivan has gone west and we are now full steam ahead on having this show. Everything has ben order and put on hold. The weather should be beautiful for the week end.
We do need to know who will be attending, if you are coming to the banquet,please let Susan Bryant know at SLBryant@scj.com , there is not enough time to send a check but do make a reservation, remember we do need to plan for supplies and food. Do not wait until you get to Miami!
If you are going to bring plants to members plant sales, I need to know.
If you are a vendor, I need to know your space requirement.
We only have 4 days to pull this together so please let us know!
It should be a wonderful show with great speaker, the only thing missing will be our" Daddy" Tom Croat, who is missing his first show since the start of the society. He will be missed.
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