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From: Floral Architecture <floralartistry2000 at yahoo.com> on 2004.08.30 at 16:03:53(12120)
The invasiveness comes when they jump from the planted
field and go wandering on their own. We cannot say
that rice is invasive. Pampas grass is. A simple
afternoon drive along the central CA coast will prove
that. Sure, the strong will survive. But by the powers
that we have, we can cater to the underdog and
preserve the natural state of things and not loose
those things that are precious. If you ask me if I
would rather see pampas grass along the Big Sur coast
or the millions of other natives, I will choose the
natives every time. Monoculture = Monotony.
Down with the strongest!!
I don't think it is WE that don't want the Pampas, the
native don't want it. It is their home, not ours that
is being taken away. How would you feel if someone
came and said, get out. This is my home now. Get out
or I will smother you. I'm sure you would not be too
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I used to say that a weed is only a wildflower in the
wrong place. I still do. Sometimes though the right
place is several thousand miles away. If I had any
invasive species near where I garden (not in someone's
private yard though) I would be ripping them out every
chance I get. Dandelions still bug the heck out of me.
And then there is Canadian Thistle, Oxalis (and I do
have an Oxalis collection that I adore. There are some
wonderful species that deserve to be cultivated), and
Indian grass. Don't get me started in the maples and
oaks that keep popping up everywhere.
I have planted Sauromatum and it has so far been kept
in check. It is in the ground in OH, in a shady dry
spot that has other things it needs to compete with
for food. I'm not sure if it will ever bloom though
but it is hanging on in the cold. I also have it in
Los Angeles. I will not sell it to someone if they
want to put it into the ground. I steer clear of them
and tell them it is not right for them. Yeah, so I am
basically lying but it is for a good reason. I let
people who have an apartment iwth a balcony buy it. I
figure it is safe there for a while.
I have had Amorph. bulbifer reseed. I have noticed 3
seedlings around this year. I harvested all the seeds
but I guess a few got away from me.
John Ingram in L.A., CA.
www.floralarchitecture.com check it out
310.709.1613 (cell, west coast time, please call accordingly. Thank you)
Aroid-l mailing list
From: "Bamboo Chik" <bamboochik at earthlink.net> on 2004.08.31 at 10:40:16(12134)
Actually, Uncle Sam is doing that to my daughter right now and she is
having to leave all her beautiful gardens behind in the name of eminent
domain...I wonder how many beautiful, native plants will be lost to the
future pavement in this sleepy N. GA area?...If you wish to get technical,
we humans are one of the worst invasive species there is. Too bad we can't
learn to control our own populations....b.f.n...deb/S.AL
. How would you feel if someone
> came and said, get out. This is my home now. Get out
> or I will smother you. I'm sure you would not be too
> happy.
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