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D. canariensis to Danny Wilson
From: "Abrimaal Svartvinter" <abrimaal at o2.pl> on 2004.08.29 at 19:44:44(12096)
D. canariensis is hardy in zone 6, but
should be covered for winter. In zone & it needn't this.
It likes direct sunlight, the soil should be well
drained, (not to let the tuber rot in early Spring), planted about 20 cm (8'')
deep . The tuber without leaves needs no watering in the ground, and when
it takes off, should be watered frequently,
If your plant produces offsets next year(s) I'm the
first in a queue to buy them from you.
| +More |
----- Original Message -----
To: Aroid-L@gizmoworks.com
Sent: Sunday, August 29, 2004 8:20
Subject: [Aroid-l] D. canariensis
I recently acquired 1 bulb and an offset of one of these little
guys. but, teh person i got them from gave me now growing
instructions. at all. can someone help me out here? when
should i plant them, where, how much light, water, drainage, ect. any,
ANY help would be greatly appreciated.
Aroid-l mailing list
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