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From: Ted.Held at hstna.com on 2004.08.13 at 12:20:23(11961)
Well, I for one am altering my mispronunciation and will henceforth always
say "chubas". It is so much more elegant than the vulgar "tubers".

From: "ron iles" <roniles at eircom.net> on 2004.08.13 at 15:26:33(11962)
Thank God for Upper Class English in the New Colonies

----- Original Message -----

From: "Steve Ritchey" <sritchey at shreve.net> on 2004.08.13 at 17:57:41(11965)
Merde sacre'- Thank goodness we only had to deal with the relatively gentil
French in this part of the country
----- Original Message -----
From: "ron iles" <roniles at eircom.net> on 2004.08.14 at 00:48:57(11969)
Allor, nous comprenons. Vous parlez de votre petite tubercules francaises?
Tres genteel! Oui, le mot "chubas" est plus gentil, euphemique. Repos
dans la paix Monsieur.

From: "Julius Boos" <ju-bo at msn.com> on 2004.08.14 at 11:45:03(11972)
'Tornet' ("thunder'='damn'), 'fi-fi narge' (pi-pi d'angie'= "angel 'rain' "), "caca-polle" rum ("bad/low quality" rum), and 'mamaguy' (from the Spanish 'maman el gallo', used in Trinidadian English ONLY! [broadly speaking and in Trinidad only!! :--)>] "to praise someone' tongue-in-cheek' (falsely) for favors", and finally 'dasheen'̃ Chine="from China" =taro=Colocasia esculenta (THERE is the aroid connection to this drivel!!!)! We have our Patois in Trinidad that we must deal with.
>From: "Steve Ritchey"
From: "Eduardo Goncalves" <edggon at hotmail.com> on 2004.08.16 at 04:05:16(11991)
Count me in! I feel that I will never be able to say (or write) "tubers"
again. "Chubas" rule!!!!
(I have been laughing for three days because of this story...)

From: "Bryant, Susan L." <SLBryant at scj.com> on 2004.08.16 at 13:47:32(11995)
I don't even remember how this topic started.... but I feel there should be
some sort of contest at the IAS Show next month- who can pronounce Chubas
the best.
Poor Julius, thank heavens he has a terrific sense of humour!

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