From: a san juan <kalim1998 at> on 2004.06.26 at 02:38:13(11696)
I posed a similar set of questions to another group
and would like to pose it here as well.
I'm interested in the ability of aroids to withstand
abrupt or natural loss of stem contact with the
ground. There does not seem to be much studies going
on about such phenomena, so I figured anecdotal
experiences might still be useful, or at least
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There are cases where an aroid's stem rots at ground
level or is severed from the ground by accident, which
leaves the plant hanging freely via its aerial roots
onto some support, whether it be artificial or some
natural support like a tree. The aroid may still be
connected to the ground by feeder roots, but the
"stem" is gone.
Have you encountered such a phenomenon? If so,
_ What plant was it?
- What was the circumstance which caused the loss of
stem contact with the ground. Was it natural,
accidental, etc? Did the plant survive?
- What was length of stem remaining, if you can
- If it was an accident that severed the stem, what
was the approximate length of time it took the plant
to send feeder roots (if any) to the ground? Did the
plant grow at all whilst NOT connected to the ground?
Any other comments would be welcome. Thanks for any
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