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This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.
A new Genus Dyakianum?
From: "ron iles" <roniles at eircom.net> on 2004.05.24 at 18:39:10(11525)
Have any genera or species been named in honour of the native peoples, the
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----- Original Message -----
Cc: "Beh Ee Seng"
Sent: Monday, May 24, 2004 9:28 AM
Subject: [aroid-l] gingers & tacca added for sale at Malesiana Tropicals
Dear Folks
We've just added the first gingers (Alpinia havilandii and a lovely orange
Etlingera) for sale at our webite, along with the first of several Tacca.
Click on www.malesiana.com and then the new 'Gingers' button to see the
gingers and on the new 'Miscellaneous Plants' button for the Tacca.
Thanks to all the many of you who have requested our new newsletter. The
first issue will be out in early June - just as soon as my head has cleared
after Gawai (Dyak New Year) - and will feature a lot more gingers and some
exciting new aroids, too.
Good growing
From: piaba <piabinha at yahoo.com> on 2004.05.24 at 19:40:06(11526)
there's at least the orchid genus Dyakia.
btw, borneo is the home of a dozen or more peoples,
not just the dayaks. there are also penans, kadazans,
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tsuh yang
--- ron iles wrote:
> Have any genera or species been named in honour of
> the native peoples, the
> Dyaks?
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From: Ronmchatton at aol.com on 2004.05.24 at 20:04:50(11527)
Yes. Dyakia (Orchidacea) was named for exactly that purpose. At present it
describes one species, Dyakia hendersoniana, formerly described under
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From: "Peter Boyce" <peterboyce at myjaring.net> on 2004.05.24 at 22:06:21(11528)
And of course the Dyaks thelselves are more than one cultural group.
----- Original Message -----
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Sent: Tuesday, May 25, 2004 3:40 AM
Subject: Re: [aroid-l] A new Genus Dyakianum?
> there's at least the orchid genus Dyakia.
> btw, borneo is the home of a dozen or more peoples,
> not just the dayaks. there are also penans, kadazans,
> etc.
> tsuh yang
> --- ron iles wrote:
> > Have any genera or species been named in honour of
> > the native peoples, the
> > Dyaks?
> >
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