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Monstera Deliciosa var. Rubra Fraud
From: "Joe Dana" <aroidjoe at altrionet.com> on 2004.03.11 at 16:59:27(11261)
My name is Joe Dana from California. Regarding the Monstera Deliciosa var.
Rubra. There is no such thing. I know the person who instigated the fraud.
Dave Gordon in Long Beach, California. He is somewhat of a wise guy who
likes to play tricks on people. He is one of those people who you can't
take seriously. The photo is just from an old fashion film negative. He is
still probably laughing.
Joe Dana
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From: hermine <hermine at endangeredspecies.com> on 2004.03.11 at 17:30:36(11262)
My name is Joe Dana from California. Regarding the Monstera Deliciosa var.
Rubra. There is no such thing. I know the person who instigated the fraud.
Dave Gordon in Long Beach, California. He is somewhat of a wise guy who
likes to play tricks on people. He is one of those people who you can't
take seriously. The photo is just from an old fashion film negative. He is
still probably laughing.
Joe Dana
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JOE! listen, i cannot do photoshop type stuff. but if i wanted to pull off
this fraud, the first thing i would do would be to get a white variegated
monstera with lots of white....actually i have such plants------ and water
it with red food colouring!!!! it would eventually bleach out, but what the
heck! food colouring is cheap!
remember the high school experiment where you split the stem of a white
carnation and placed half of it in blue tinted water, half in red, to show
the vascular action of the plant?????
and Joe, how have you been, good to see your name again!
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.614 / Virus Database: 393 - Release Date: 03/05/2004
From: Marcin <shagar at cyber-sport.com.pl> on 2004.03.11 at 17:44:20(11263)
Hi Michael, Dean, Joe and All,
Thanks for your comments! A pity such a cultivar doesn`t exist at all :(
Photoshop is really powerful device ;)
With warm regards,
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From: MossyTrail at cs.com on 2004.04.02 at 06:03:29(11348)
Marcin wrote:
>Hi Michael, Dean, Joe and All,
>Thanks for your comments! A pity such a cultivar doesn`t exist at all :(
>Photoshop is really powerful device ;)
...which I why I don't believe any picture I see on the 'net, unless I can verify in a reliable, offline source. Hmmm....just think what one could do with it in a election year...
Jason Hernandez
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