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This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.
From: "Peter Boyce" peterboyce at myjaring.net> on 2003.11.15 at 08:19:35(10810)
Dear All
I am seriously investigating the possibility of organizing an INTERNATIONAL
AROID SYMPOSIUM, in November 2004 here in Kuching, the state capital of
Sarawak, Malaysia, on the NW coast of Borneo. The rough outline is for the
symposium to be spread over one week (Sunday evening - Friday inclusive)
with 3 1/2 days of presentations & poster sessions and one day spent in the
field at a nearby National Park.
This is an initial emailing to gauge interest in such a Symposium. If you
think that there is a chance that you will attend, and you wish to receive
the first circular, please email me at the following address:
In the email, please indicate:
1. Your mailing/postal address in order that I can mail you the first
2. Your most often used email address (if different to that which you use to
email me this information)
3. Willingness to make an oral presentation or present a poster on:
a. Scientific, or
b. Horticultural, or
c. Travelogue, or
d. Other subject.
In addition to this general email, I will be privately emailing individual
people to ask if they would be willing to present particular lectures.
However, I would ask that ALL those interested in attending respond to this
Very many thanks
| +More |
Peter Boyce
Senior Botanist
Malesiana Tropicals
1st Floor, Uplands Shop House
Lot 4909, Sect. 64 KTLD
Jalan Uplands
93300 Kuching
Sarawak, Malaysia
082 419 290 (office)
082 699 160 (nursery)
012 890 3509 (handphone)
From: Gusman Guy ggusman at ulb.ac.be> on 2003.11.16 at 16:54:13(10816)
>Dear All
>I am seriously investigating the possibility of organizing an INTERNATIONAL
>AROID SYMPOSIUM, in November 2004 here in Kuching, the state capital of
>Sarawak, Malaysia, on the NW coast of Borneo. The rough outline is for the
>symposium to be spread over one week (Sunday evening - Friday inclusive)
>with 3 1/2 days of presentations & poster sessions and one day spent in the
>field at a nearby National Park.
>This is an initial emailing to gauge interest in such a Symposium. If you
>think that there is a chance that you will attend, and you wish to receive
>the first circular, please email me at the following address:
What a wonderful project. Yes, we should be happy attending the symposium. In this case, I could make an oral presentation on Arisaema, of course, scientific subject, details to be given later.
I am very happy to hear from you and - at least I hope - to see you again in Sarawak.
Did you grow arisaemas?
| +More |
>In the email, please indicate:
>1. Your mailing/postal address in order that I can mail you the first
>2. Your most often used email address (if different to that which you use to
>email me this information)
>3. Willingness to make an oral presentation or present a poster on:
> a. Scientific, or
> b. Horticultural, or
> c. Travelogue, or
> d. Other subject.
>In addition to this general email, I will be privately emailing individual
>people to ask if they would be willing to present particular lectures.
>However, I would ask that ALL those interested in attending respond to this
>Very many thanks
>Peter Boyce
>Senior Botanist
>Malesiana Tropicals
>1st Floor, Uplands Shop House
>Lot 4909, Sect. 64 KTLD
>Jalan Uplands
>93300 Kuching
>Sarawak, Malaysia
>082 419 290 (office)
>082 699 160 (nursery)
>012 890 3509 (handphone)
From: Thomas.Croat at mobot.org on 2003.11.17 at 17:25:19(10823)
Dear Pete:
I will help you with the organization, present as many oral
presentations as are needed, do posters and, of course attend. It will be a
great meeting I am sure.
| +More |
-----Original Message-----
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2003 2:20 AM
To: aroid-l@lists.ncsu.edu
Dear All
I am seriously investigating the possibility of organizing an INTERNATIONAL
AROID SYMPOSIUM, in November 2004 here in Kuching, the state capital of
Sarawak, Malaysia, on the NW coast of Borneo. The rough outline is for the
symposium to be spread over one week (Sunday evening - Friday inclusive)
with 3 1/2 days of presentations & poster sessions and one day spent in the
field at a nearby National Park.
This is an initial emailing to gauge interest in such a Symposium. If you
think that there is a chance that you will attend, and you wish to receive
the first circular, please email me at the following address:
In the email, please indicate:
1. Your mailing/postal address in order that I can mail you the first
2. Your most often used email address (if different to that which you use to
email me this information)
3. Willingness to make an oral presentation or present a poster on:
a. Scientific, or
b. Horticultural, or
c. Travelogue, or
d. Other subject.
In addition to this general email, I will be privately emailing individual
people to ask if they would be willing to present particular lectures.
However, I would ask that ALL those interested in attending respond to this
Very many thanks
Peter Boyce
Senior Botanist
Malesiana Tropicals
1st Floor, Uplands Shop House
Lot 4909, Sect. 64 KTLD
Jalan Uplands
93300 Kuching
Sarawak, Malaysia
082 419 290 (office)
082 699 160 (nursery)
012 890 3509 (handphone)
From: Marc Gibernau gibernau at cict.fr> on 2003.11.18 at 09:47:07(10829)
Dear Peter,
That's great news!!!!
I'm potentially interested (I'll have to find some money) and I may stay
for a field work if possible.
Please count me for an oral presentation or a poster on Scientific topic.
If it is confirmed that means a lot of work ofr its organization!!!!
We'll be able to discuss more about it later (may be in Lyon in May).
All the best,
| +More |
Marc Gibernau
Laboratoire d'Evolution & Diversit? Biologique (UMR 5174)
Universite Paul Sabatier
118 Route de Narbonne - Bat 4R3-B2
31062 Toulouse Cedex 4
Tel: (33)-05-61-55-67-43
Fax: (33)-05-61-55-73-27
pages web :
From: agrsuw at ku.ac.th on 2003.12.01 at 00:40:56(10864)
Dear Dr. Boyle,
I am interested in attending the symposium and willing to give a horticultural talk on
Aglaonema breeding in Thailand.
Pls. kindly keep me informed.
| +More |
Quoting Peter Boyce :
> Dear All
> I am seriously investigating the possibility of organizing an INTERNATIONAL
> AROID SYMPOSIUM, in November 2004 here in Kuching, the state capital of
> Sarawak, Malaysia, on the NW coast of Borneo. The rough outline is for the
> symposium to be spread over one week (Sunday evening - Friday inclusive)
> with 3 1/2 days of presentations & poster sessions and one day spent in the
> field at a nearby National Park.
> This is an initial emailing to gauge interest in such a Symposium. If you
> think that there is a chance that you will attend, and you wish to receive
> the first circular, please email me at the following address:
> peterboyce@myjaring.net
> In the email, please indicate:
> 1. Your mailing/postal address in order that I can mail you the first
> circular.
> 2. Your most often used email address (if different to that which you use to
> email me this information)
> 3. Willingness to make an oral presentation or present a poster on:
> a. Scientific, or
> b. Horticultural, or
> c. Travelogue, or
> d. Other subject.
> In addition to this general email, I will be privately emailing individual
> people to ask if they would be willing to present particular lectures.
> However, I would ask that ALL those interested in attending respond to this
> email.
> Very many thanks
> Peter
> --------------------
> Peter Boyce
> Senior Botanist
> Malesiana Tropicals
> 1st Floor, Uplands Shop House
> Lot 4909, Sect. 64 KTLD
> Jalan Uplands
> 93300 Kuching
> Sarawak, Malaysia
> 082 419 290 (office)
> 082 699 160 (nursery)
> 012 890 3509 (handphone)
> peterboyce@myjaring.net
> www.malesiana.tropicals.com.my
Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.