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Alocasia question
From: "Chanrit Sinhabaedya" siamanthus at hotmail.com> on 2003.10.27 at 16:37:36(10725)
I've just back from Cameron highland in Malaysia.
On the trip I was be able to get a plant of Alocasia that said to be
collected locally in Camerone highland. It has thick lanceolate leaf with
somewhat creeping type of habit.
What could it be? Alocasia peltata? A. perakensis? or A. beccarii?
Thank you.
Chanrit Sinhabaedya
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Bangkok Thailand.
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From: "Peter Boyce" peterboyce at myjaring.net> on 2003.10.28 at 10:44:37(10736)
Hi Chanrit
It's A. perakensis - endemic to the Cameron's. It's related to A. beccarii
and A. peltata (also to A. miniscula) but these are restrcted to Borneo.
It's alos near to A. kerinchiensis (Sumatra - G. Kerinchi)
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----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 27, 2003 11:37 PM
Subject: [aroid-l] Alocasia question
> I've just back from Cameron highland in Malaysia.
> On the trip I was be able to get a plant of Alocasia that said to be
> collected locally in Camerone highland. It has thick lanceolate leaf with
> somewhat creeping type of habit.
> What could it be? Alocasia peltata? A. perakensis? or A. beccarii?
> Thank you.
> Chanrit Sinhabaedya
> Bangkok Thailand.
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