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Places to visit in Victoria, BC
From: "Bryant, Susan L." SLBryant at scj.com> on 2003.10.27 at 13:54:29(10724)
Hi all,
Harry is going to a conference in Victoria, BC; and I am going with him to
play tourist. Does anyone have any "must see" places for plants? ...Or not
for plants.....
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I've looked online and see quite a few gardens to visit.
Susan Bryant
From: "P. Postlewaite" Peter at ShadyPath.com> on 2003.10.27 at 19:31:04(10730)
Butchart Gardens is a world class botanical garden and an absolute must
see. Located about a half hour north of Victoria, it's an easy drive. If
you don't have a car, there are bus tours that go to the garden. If you
are there when they are open in the evening, I recommend (if possible)
seeing the gardens in both daylight and nighttime (the lighting at night is
spectacular). The admission charge is good for the whole day, so you can
visit during the day, then leave to go somewhere else in the afternoon, and
return to the garden in the evening. Their website is has a wealth of
Pete Postlewaite
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At 07:54 AM 10/27/03 -0600, you wrote:
Hi all,
Harry is going to a conference in Victoria, BC; and I am going with him to
play tourist. Does anyone have any "must see" places for plants? ...Or not
for plants.....
I've looked online and see quite a few gardens to visit.
Susan Bryant
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