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My visit
From: "Wilbert Hetterscheid (prive)" hetter at worldonline.nl> on 2003.10.13 at 16:24:11(10695)
Dear peoples,
It has taken me a while to be able to digest all impressions I got in Miami
and I also had to spend much time on getting settled in my new job but I
take this opportunity to thank the IAS and all ye wonderful people present
in Miami for all the good fun I got there from you all. It was so nice to
finally see a number of faces going with email-names. Also happy to have
been of help with questions and all. I was also impressed with the Show and
those who organised this. Good job.
A special thanks from me to Patricia Frank and Scott Hyndman, who worked
double shifts to get me to Miami and introduce me to people and "Miami
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Also a warm thanks to Fairchild Tropical Garden for giving the opportunity
to abuse one of their rooms with chit-chat about plants, whose names we
shall not reveal here and now.......... For those who were present, remember
what I asked: Do NOT leak any information of that night beyond the walls of
that room!!!!!!!!" Thanks also to Craig Allen, one of the most prominent and
succesful Amorph-growers on this planet and his willingness to share
precious hours with me and talking to me about how to kill
iguana's...........errrr, or was I not supposed to write about
Thanks again IAS and all you folks for a wonderful time!!!!!!!
Lord (ha)P(py)
p.s. All the nasty rumours you heard about me were actually about Ron
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