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Anchomanes culture
From: "Benoit Mouroux" bmouroux at hotmail.com> on 2003.10.04 at 15:36:42(10684)
hello all,
i search tips for anchomanes culture. could somebody help me (i have 2
species : dalzielii and difformis).
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30, rue thibaudeau
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From: "Wilbert Hetterscheid (prive)" hetter at worldonline.nl> on 2003.10.05 at 11:15:47(10686)
Difformis is a wet lover. Give it a "normal" potting soil and keep her
medium wet (not soaked). Dalzielii is from dry grounds so make a well
drained potting soil and allow the soil to dry every now and then.
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> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: aroid-l-owner@lists.ncsu.edu
> [mailto:aroid-l-owner@lists.ncsu.edu]Namens Benoit Mouroux
> Verzonden: zaterdag 4 oktober 2003 17:37
> Aan: aroid-l@lists.ncsu.edu
> Onderwerp: [aroid-l] Anchomanes culture
> hello all,
> i search tips for anchomanes culture. could somebody help me
> (i have 2
> species : dalzielii and difformis).
> Benoit MOUROUX
> 30, rue thibaudeau
> 86000 POITIERS
> http://fr.groups.yahoo.com/group/Amorphophallus_et_araceae/
> _________________________________________________________________
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