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philodendron melanochrysum
From: "Debbie Comeau" rondeb.comeau at ns.sympatico.ca> on 2003.09.27 at 12:04:32(10641)
Hello everyone,
I'm new at this. I live up in Nova Scotia, Canada. I just love tropical aroids and I collect all sorts of houseplants. Right now I'm on the hunt for a philodendron melanochrysum and there just aren't any in Canada that I know of. I've searched high and low. There are lots south of the border but impossible to get because customs apparently confiscates them. Does anyone know if these plants can be propagated by seed and if so is there a seed source anywhere in the U.S.? Thanks for any information that might help. Debbie
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From: "Leslie R." leslier55 at excite.com> on 2003.09.29 at 13:17:40(10655)
They can be grown from seed, but you won't get seed from the U.S., unless a collector is lucky enough to have some to share from their own plants. I'll do some checking, seems I saw some seeds for sale from a company in another country. Leslie RuleColumbia, MO USA
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