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Dear Botanists (green pigment)
From: piaba piabinha at yahoo.com> on 2003.09.24 at 16:17:19(10623)
mr. held,
not being a botanist (me that is), i think however
that your instincts are right.
as a matter of fact, some orchids lack leaves or stems
and have only roots, that are green. obviously those
are the only parts they have to photosynthesize. it's
quite a size to see these small orchids, that are
nothing more than a jumble of roots, flowering...
tsuh yang chen, NYC
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--- Ted.Held@hstna.com wrote:
> Dear all the good botanists on the list,
> Do all green parts of a plant contribute to
> photosynthesis? Even stems,
> midribs, and petioles? This would make sense to me.
> Why go to all the
> trouble to make green pigment, which I assume to be
> chlorophyll, if it's
> not intended to make sugars and whatnot? Sorry to
> ask such an elementary
> question, but the botany books only seem to talk
> about photosynthesis in
> relation to leaf blades. Sometimes even exposed
> roots turn green if exposed
> to light.
> Thanks.
> Ted.
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