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  Xanthosoma or Colocasia?
From: Leslie Georgeson skinnychick2 at yahoo.com> on 2003.07.10 at 14:50:03(10384)

From: MossyTrail at cs.com on 2003.07.11 at 00:40:11(10387)
Leslie Georgeson wrote...

Your email was blank!

But, from your topic line, I persume you are trying to figure out whether a particlar plant or plants is/are Colocasia or Xanthosoma. So, here are some ways to tell.

Xanthosoma: leaves hastate (spearhead-shaped), with three prominent ribs (one down the center, one in each lobe) and conspicuous reticulate (net-like) veins, and a distinct "collecting vein" running around the leaf edge, just inside the margin.

Colocasia: leaves cordate (heart shaped), with three ribs but not so prominent, veins, if visible, parallel, the petiole (leaf stalk) joining the leaf in the middle rather than at the edge, no collecting vein.

Alocasia: leaves cordate and with parallel veins like Colocasia, but prominent ribs like Xanthosoma, with the tips pointing generally upward (wheras the other two genera point generally downward).

Jason Hernandez

From: "Peter C Boyce" levieux.jardin at wanadoo.fr> on 2003.07.11 at 05:47:05(10389)
Hi Leslie

Well, it's a Xanthosoma. I'm by no means an expert on these Latin American taro yams but I know a little that might be useful.

This plant and several very like it are in the trade and commonly cultivated as Xanthosoma sagittifolium and certainly no-one would argue against applying that name. However, there are several species that might also be involved including X. brasiliense & X. mafafa and green forms of X. violaceum that are in cultivation and grown under the umbrella name X. sagittifolium.


From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2003.07.11 at 23:28:07(10392)
----- Original Message -----
From: Peter C Boyce
To: Leslie Georgeson
Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.