IAS Aroid Quasi Forum

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 This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.

  Some philo questions
From: Roz rozgold at pacbell.net> on 2002.12.05 at 17:50:30(9676)
Hi folks!

I'm brand new to this list, so I thought I'd start by introducing
myself. I'm Roz, I live in Culver City in Southern California, and I'm
a totally novice aroid grower. I live in an apartment and do a lot of
indoor growing, but most of my experience is with gesneriads. I've
started to get interested in aroids because every time I go to botanical
gardens or greenhouses lately, it seems that most of the plants that
fascinate me are aroids.

I hadn't realized that there were some philodendron varieties with
variegated foilage in colors other than shades of green and white. In
particular I've noticed a variety called 'Pink Princess' and I had a few
questions about it:

1) Is 'Pink Princess' considered rare or exotic by aroid growers?
2) I've noticed on the webpages of some nurseries or aroid growers, two
other varieties: "Pink Prince' and 'Pink Lady' - are these varieties
distinct from 'Pink Princess' or are they all essentially the same name
for the same plant?
3) In my web searches, I've also seen references to a place called
"Bamboo Nurseries" - where is it located, and does it have a website?

My apologies is these questions are too basic or have been covered a lot
in past posts. As I said, I'm very much a novice with aroids.

Finally, I'm having problems subscribing to this list - the list serve
engine keeps telling me I'm subscribed, but I don't seem to be getting
any messages. So until I figure this out, I'd very much appreciate it
if you could cc my personal e-mail with your response.

Thank you all so much.

Roz Gold

From: Harry Witmore harrywitmore at witmore.net> on 2002.12.05 at 21:00:09(9677)
Roz, this list has been very quiet of late so that could be why you aren't
getting any emails.

At 09:50 AM 12/5/02 -0800, you wrote:

From: "D.J. Leedy" djleedy at netex.quik.com> on 2002.12.05 at 21:44:24(9678)
Welcome to the list Roz. You are fortunate to live in Culver City for the
growing of aroids. Many of the higher altitude aroids grow much better in
your location, than say in south Florida, due to the cool evenings and
influence of the Pacific Ocean. You will need a climate controlled area
(heat and humidity) in order to grow some of the lower elevation aroids,
which grow much more easily in south Florida. One problem you will have
with growing variegated aroids is the salt in the Los Angeles water. This
tends to cause leaf burn, which becomes more prevalent with the more white
in your variegation.

From: Mattlagem at aol.com on 2002.12.07 at 00:51:02(9681)
David, I think the Monstera deliciosa var. "rubra" you saw was just doctored
photo. There is no such plant although that would be one fine aroid to see.
I saw the photo on a website not too long ago, (wish I could remember the
URL) but on the site it even said the plant was a hoax!! Thanks, Michael M.

From: Mattlagem at aol.com on 2002.12.09 at 04:07:09(9691)
Go to http://www.mutantpalm.com/archive.html for a picture of it. I can't
remember the site that said it was a hoax. Michael M.

From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2002.12.09 at 10:42:44(9694)
A quick note, the 'rubra' may be a hoax, but Merkle`s Nursery in Boynton
Beach has a couple different clones of a varigated-leaf Monstera deliciosa
that I had not seen before my visit, one with white 'stripes', the other
more 'clouded' or 'freckled' in shades of cream and white.


From: SelbyHort at aol.com on 2002.12.09 at 11:58:44(9695)
Hello David and All,

I am working towards getting a cultivar list for aroids at this time. The IAS
is still the official International Cultivar Regisration Authority (ICRA) for
aroids and I am the designated Registrar. I would gladly welcome input from
any of you knowledgeble aroiders who know the history of some of these
cultivars, or who have been instrumental in bringing them into cultivation. I
have been pretty quietly drawing up a vast list of cultivar names from
various genera and if you would like to know more about what I am doing
please reply to me privately.

Sometime very soon, the first of several tentative checklists will go up on
the IAS web site for comment. We will also publish some of these in the
newsletter for people without internet access. Eventually, after the
checklists are worked over to all our satisfaction, the IAS will publish a
register of aroid cultivars. This will be updated periodically. It will be
made available both online and via hard copy. We have not yet set a target
date for the first register but some of the checklists are scheduled to
appear this coming year online and in print. I am hoping that in another year
or two we will have a reigster worth publishing. The success of this project
all depends on how much help I can get.

While it is vital to register cultivars at the very beginning of their
introduction to horticulture, an essential first step of the registration
project is to produce lists of all known cultivar names (even bogus ones such
as the Monstera just mentioned). The hope is that confusion will be less if
the names are stabilized and not used more than once, so good checklists are
the basis upon which all registration can proceed. It is very tricky to
register a new cultivar name without knowing what names have already been
used. Eventually we will try to obtain some decent photos and other
documentation for existing cultivar names, but the first step is just to get
the checklists completed, so this is where I am needing the most help.
Naturally all documentation for new cultivars is most easily obtained right
at the beginning when the originator has the plants in hand. Trying to get
this information years down the road is problematic, but in some cases there
is important information out there that can be obtained with a great deal of
effort. Many numbers of aroid cultivars are horticulturally significant,
therefore we urgently need to put whatever effort we can into registration.

Based upon your comments, David, I would greatly welcome your assistance!

Donna Atwood

From: "Cooper, Susan L." SLCooper at scj.com> on 2002.12.09 at 13:11:31(9697)
Wow, I think I'll start marketing MY sunburnt Clivias. The prices for
sunburnt or varigated plants are absurd!


Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.