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Virtual Herbaria
From: "W. George Schmid" hostahill at bellsouth.net> on 2002.11.04 at 19:12:04(9597)
Hi Frank,
Go to the NBII site on www.nbii.org/datainfo/syscollect/collections.html .
Several virtual herbaria sites are listed including the NY Bot Gard
herbarium and the NCVH. HTH. Best George
W. George Schmid
| +More |
Hosta Hill - Tucker Georgia USA
Zone 7a - 1188 feet AMSL
84-12'-30" West_33-51' North
From: Scott Hyndman hyndman at aroid.org> on 2002.11.04 at 19:51:47(9598)
Fairchild Tropical Garden has a virtual herbarium at
http://www.virtualherbarium.org/ There are links to others
from that site as well.
Regards, Scott
| +More |
On Mon, 4 Nov 2002 18:19:07 -0000
"Frank & Lara" wrote:
> Hi All,
> Does anyone know of any 'virtual herbaria' that can be
> accessed on the
> internet?
> Also, are there anywebsites that publish official
> descriptions of plants?
> Thanks in advance
> Frank
From: "Bryant, Harry E." HEBryant at scj.com> on 2002.11.04 at 20:27:44(9599)
What a wealth of information. Thanks, George.
Harry Bryant
| +More |
www.nbii.org/datainfo/syscollect/collections.html .
Several virtual herbaria sites are listed including the NY Bot Gard
herbarium and the NCVH. HTH. Best George
W. George Schmid
Hosta Hill - Tucker Georgia USA
Zone 7a - 1188 feet AMSL
84-12'-30" West_33-51' North
From: "Craig Allen" callen at fairchildgarden.org> on 2002.11.04 at 21:51:30(9601)
Fairchild Tropical Garden has one of the first Virtual Herbaria
Craig M. Allen
| +More |
Conservatory Manager
Fairchild Tropical Garden
10901 Old Cutler Road
Coral Gables (Miami), FL 33156
Telephone: 305.667.1651, ext.3320
Fax: 305.667.6930
Email: callen@fairchildgarden.org
Web: www.fairchildgarden.org
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:aroid-l-owner@lists.ncsu.edu]On Behalf Of Frank & Lara
Sent: Monday, November 04, 2002 1:19 PM
To: aroid-l@lists.ncsu.edu
Subject: [aroid-l] Virtual Herbaria
Hi All,
Does anyone know of any 'virtual herbaria' that can be accessed on the
Also, are there anywebsites that publish official descriptions of plants?
Thanks in advance
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