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This is a continuously updated archive of the Aroid-L mailing list in a forum format - not an actual Forum. If you want to post, you will still need to register for the Aroid-L mailing list and send your postings by e-mail for moderation in the normal way.
which tubers stay and which go?
From: PULCHRODEA at aol.com on 2002.10.27 at 18:33:04(9587)
Hello fellow Airoiders~
I have heard info about certain species of Ammorphophallus that are
supposed to stay in the ground during dormancy, and some that must come out.
My questions are: Which species stay in>? Which come out? Why?
(If it has any influence on the final answer, I live in Southern California,
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Thank Y'all :)
Love and Light*
From: Benoit Mouroux bmouroux at yahoo.com> on 2002.10.28 at 08:09:03(9589)
you'll find all details in the volume 19 of aroideana,
for all species.
i'm a french collector and have another simple
question on this dormancy :
for the species that stay in ground, the soil must be
keep totally dry or we have to water sometimes ?
benoit (france)
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--- PULCHRODEA@aol.com a ?crit?: >
> Hello fellow Airoiders~
> I have heard info about certain species of
> Ammorphophallus that are
> supposed to stay in the ground during dormancy, and
> some that must come out.
> My questions are: Which species stay in>? Which come
> out? Why?
> (If it has any influence on the final answer, I
> live in Southern California,
> USA)
> Thank Y'all :)
> Love and Light*
> Anthony.
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