From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at> on 2002.06.30 at 00:55:48(9046)
Hello Susan,
Just a quick note, I was at Fairchild last Mon., and saw a specimen of A.
paeoniifolius grown by our friend Craig Alen, perhaps THE best aroid grower
I know, that was absoloutly fantastic, at least 5-6 FT tall, the leaf 6 FT
across, the petiole 8" (yes, eight inches!!) in dia. at its base, a
wonderful mottled color, truly a sight to behold! What a wonderful marvel
of nature!
There was an Amorphophallus gigas in bloom near to anthesis, the leaves of
'Alice' and 'Mr. stinky' were fantastic (both huge specimens of A. titanum),
and many other species in just fantastic condition, some blooming, some not.
On another note, most of you may know that I am a 'nut' when it comes to
aquatic Lasioid aroids such as Cyrtosperma, Lasia, Urospatha and others.
Many may not know that at last Sept.`s show at Fairchild that I 'farmed out'
all of my Urospathas to Craig and Brian, as I was going through some 'hard
tiimes' both emotionally and with jobs, etc. Last Mon. Craig was not at
Fairchild, and as I was walking through the rare plant house, came around a
corner, and there in front of me behind a protective glass wall were THE
most wonderful collection of Urospatha species I have ever seen, most in
bloom!! The centerpiece was a specimen that is either the species
collected at the mouth of the Orinoco river many years ago, or a hybrid of
this with U. grandis from C/Rica! It had the most beautiful shade of
purple-bronze on the exterior of the spathe, and a cream interior, the
spiral to the spathe and its exterimity made this plant to me THE most
beautiful of all aroids!
The Urospatha sps. collected in Fr. Guyana all demonstrated how different
their blooms were, long all-green 'tubes', no spiral, ending in a very
pointed tip, all almost completely closed. The loud 'exclamation' (not a
polite one!!) that I uttered on first seeing these marvelous plants must
have startled and scared most of the guests out of the garden! :--)>
Thanks, Craig!!
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>>Why bother??
Why not? I can't grow Dracunculus, but I grow other Amorphos just fine.
The Thailand species seem to like zone 5. That is, planted in pots. All
my plants go inside in the fall. This year I planted many of them out in
beds, and will dig them up in the fall. I'm hoping that will help with my
losses due to rot.(I'm a chronic overwaterer) I can't remember where
paeoniifolius comes from (I hope not Thailand), but it doesn't do well for
me either in zone 5. Down in Miami I saw some huge ones- they grow like
weeds there, petioles 3inch in diameter! A friend sent me a bigger tuber
(bigger than my quarter size ones I killed) which hopefully will grow this
year- if not I'm giving up on paeoniifolius.
Good luck!
I really want
>Helicodiceros muscivorus,
>but if I can't grow Dracunculis why bother?
>Bill Lubarsky
>At 07:41 PM 6/28/02, you wrote:
>>I have had them in the ground for 2 years zone 6. Plant them next to the
>>house for extra heat in colder climates. Most of these bulbous aroids do
>>great in our natural soil it is much like its native soil. People in
>>florida have very sandy soil and growing amorphos or other bulbous aroids
>>is a lot harder than it would be here in KY. I have a flower bed full of
>>amorphophallus in the greenhouse that does very well.
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