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>A friend of mine phoned me and told me she had leaf dis-coloration on
>her A. triphyllums. She said they had red spots on the underside of
>the =
>leaves, I am guessing fungus. Is there anything that can be done.
>She =
>already has had some that have fallen over and turned yellow. I told
>her to cut those off and put them in her garbage to avoid
>contamination. =
> Any hope for the others, what about avoidance in the future? Any
>help =
>Michael Bosold
>Frederik Meijer Gardens
>ph. 616.977.7694
>fx. 616.975.9545
>Content-Type: text/html;
> charset="iso-8859-1"
>Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
>friend of mine phoned me and told me she had leaf dis-coloration on
>her =
>triphyllums. She said they had red spots on the underside of the
>leaves, I
>am guessing fungus. Is there anything that can be done.
>She =
>has had some that have fallen over and turned yellow. I told her
>to cut
>those off and put them in her garbage to avoid contamination.
>Any =
>hope for
>the others, what about avoidance in the future? Any help
>class=700310213-26062002>Michael Bosold
>Frederik Meijer Gardens
>ph. 616.977.7694
>fx. 616.975.9545
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