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Anthurium podophyllum
From: Dyeingduk at aol.com on 2002.05.27 at 21:22:31(8897)
Any secrets for germinating the seeds? I would like to get maximum germination form my plant for future trading. Thanks,
Paul Marcellini
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From: "Michael Pascall" mickpascall at hotmail.com> on 2002.05.28 at 16:11:10(8905)
I have had great results using a very free draining mix
lava rock , small bark , coarse sand , peat
with a layer of sphagnum on top to keep the seeds moist .
Once they are a reasonable size repot .
This was the first foliage Anthurium I got .
It came from a very experienced orchid grower , and he used all the old bark
from when he repotted his orchids to grow his Anthuriums . With his constant
fertilizing for his Orchids he got amazing growth on his Anth.podophyllum
seedlings . Good luck .
Michael Pascall,
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MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:
From: TimothyA7 at aol.com on 2002.05.28 at 16:14:29(8907)
No secrets, just remove pulp and plant right away. They lose viability
quickly when dried so it is best to work wet and keep seed and media moist.
Tim Anderson
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Research and development
Palm hammock Orchid Estate
9995 S.W. 66 St.
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