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Aquatic Spathiphyllum & other aroids
From: "Ron Iles" roniles at eircom.net> on 2002.05.24 at 15:18:58(8870)
Hi, all intrepid
Please, when you used to go
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to the Tropical Rain Forest did you notice how any species of the genus I like
best were growing?!!! ...), also any other terrestrials surprisingly
in warm baths?
A morning wave & happy
From: StellrJ at aol.com on 2002.05.24 at 19:25:55(8873)
In a message dated 05/24/2002 8:20:23 AM Pacific Daylight Time, roniles@eircom.net writes:
when you used to go to the Tropical Rain Forest did you notice how any species of the genus I like best were growing?!!!
In Costa Rica, I saw Spathiphyllum in the wild as a wetland plant at La Selva; it was emergent. I saw some smaller ones being grown terrestrially in Parque de Espana in San Jose. Unfortunately, when it comes to Spathiphyllum, I do not know one species from another.
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From: "Ron Iles" roniles at eircom.net> on 2002.05.26 at 18:52:32(8882)
In Costa Rica, I saw
Spathiphyllum in the wild as a wetland plant at La Selva; it was emergent.
>>>>>>>>>>Thanks! Please
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were yjey running or stagnant water?
Unfortunately, when it
comes to Spathiphyllum I do not know one species from another.
It seems even to me that apart from
the basic obvious
the identities of many species I cannot be sure either until
they have flowered & there is a complete revision !!!! Recently I
noticed that even one of the collected S. patinii has leaves seemingly
distinct from & even more attractive than that species! And as for S.
"wallisii", S. "clevelandii", S. "Mauna Loa" etc ....?!!!!.
From: StellrJ at aol.com on 2002.05.27 at 21:21:00(8896)
In a message dated 05/26/2002 11:57:15 AM Pacific Daylight Time, roniles@eircom.net writes:
>>>>>>>>>>Thanks! Please were yjey running or stagnant water?
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Stagnant; it was a swamp, along a trail called Camino Cantarrana.
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