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unknown Amorphophallus plus Pseudodracontium
From: "Chanrit Sinhabaedya" siamanthus at hotmail.com> on 2002.05.23 at 19:22:56(8856)
Try to look at this ->
I found this attractive Amorphophallus from The Philippines last month. it
grows in shady area among lots of Alocasia heterophylla.
And another one is Pseudodracontium which I found on an Island in eastern
Thailand, they grow very close to the sea in some area as I saw, so they
might be a salt tolerant species.
Does any one here has ever seen or familiar with these
Thank you
Chanrit Sinhabedya
| +More |
Bangkok, Thailand.
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From: "Wilbert Hetterscheid" hetter at worldonline.nl> on 2002.05.24 at 19:22:25(8871)
Dear Chandrit,
The Philippine Amorphophallus could be either Am. plicatus, although this
one is only known as an endemic from Sulawesi or it is an undescribed new
species close to it. A few decades ago a similar species was collected on
Mt. Makiling and probably a new species but the sole herbarium specimen was
destroyed by herbarium beetles. There is need for a second specimen to get
this one published.
The Pseudodracontium cannot be identified for sure without close-ups of the
naughty bits but its general appearance suggests P. lacourii.
The Typhonium on the page is indeed T. cordifolium.
I'll contact you privately for more details and questions.
Wilbert Hetterscheid
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> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: aroid-l@mobot.org [mailto:aroid-l@mobot.org]Namens Chanrit
> Sinhabaedya
> Verzonden: donderdag 23 mei 2002 21:22
> Aan: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
> Onderwerp: unknown Amorphophallus plus Pseudodracontium
> Try to look at this ->
> http://photos.yahoo.com/chanrits
> I found this attractive Amorphophallus from The Philippines
> last month. it
> grows in shady area among lots of Alocasia heterophylla.
> And another one is Pseudodracontium which I found on an
> Island in eastern
> Thailand, they grow very close to the sea in some area as I
> saw, so they
> might be a salt tolerant species.
> Does any one here has ever seen or familiar with these
> Thank you
> :)
> Chanrit Sinhabedya
> Bangkok, Thailand.
> _________________________________________________________________
> Send and receive Hotmail on your mobile device: http://mobile.msn.com
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