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Amorph titanum at Kew
From: GeoffAroid at aol.com on 2002.05.21 at 20:10:48(8838)
Hi everyone,
I just came back from chatting with the guys at the Botanic Gardens Kew and
there is a second Amorph titanum about to flower! Very exciting for them
since they have only ever had one in any year. This is a smaller tuber than
the previous so the flower is smaller also. Having looked at the flower bud I
would predict sometime next week for flower opening. For those who missed
the first one I have put a photo I took on:
http://members.aol.com/Geoffaroid/titanum.jpg please note the capital G
in Geoffaroid, its very important, http sites are case sensitive!
They are still looking for pollen to cross pollinate (they never did get any
for the first flower so tried self pollination but its not looking good.....)
so if anyone has any they can spare please send it a.s.a.p. I can pass it on
to them since I go into Kew to do some research twice a week, my address is
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By the way, I have not received any posting from aroid-L in about 3-4 days,
is the server down or is it just a slack period? Do let me know if you get
this and there is anyone out there - I feel kinda lonely over here in London
without hearing from you guys!
Best wishes,
Geoffrey Kibby
43 Keevil Drive
London SW19 6TE
Tel: 0208 789-7664
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