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Shade cloth percentage
From: "Cooper, Susan L." SLCooper at scj.com> on 2002.05.20 at 15:12:08(8830)
I'm wondering what percentage shade cloth people are using. I suppose there
is a difference depending on where you live and what you grow, but I'd like
to get some ideas.....
This is for a shade house in USDA zone 5, growing mostly Amorphophallus. It
will either cover 3mil PP or stand alone.
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From: "Clarence Hammer" chammer at cfl.rr.com> on 2002.05.20 at 18:19:57(8832)
73% is the most common here I think, and was also in central Texas.
Sometimes that alone isn't enough,
depending on what you're growing. Also, I have long ago gotten away from
the 'commercial' black color, as it transmits too much heat, altho you can
counter this by raising the cloth slightly above the greenhouse
cover. 3 mil PP -- this doesn't sound near thick and strong enough. 6 mil
is as thin as I go, and if not UV
treated even it will only last a few months here in full sun. UV will last
3 to 5 years.
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>I'm wondering what percentage shade cloth people are using......
cover with 3mil PP or stand alone.
From: "Cooper, Susan L." SLCooper at scj.com> on 2002.05.20 at 19:26:18(8834)
Thanks Russ.
What color are you using? I see there are now green and white shade cloths
I should have mentioned that this is only for summer growing and not for a
year-around greenhouse. I'm doing this for 2 reasons: to extend my growing
period (still can't plant things out here in WI) and to provide shade, as my
yard has zero trees! :)
I guess I'll have to take your advice about the PP next year :(
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-----Original Message-----
Sent: Monday, May 20, 2002 1:20 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Subject: Re: Shade cloth percentage
73% is the most common here I think, and was also in central Texas.
Sometimes that alone isn't enough,
depending on what you're growing. Also, I have long ago gotten away from
the 'commercial' black color, as it transmits too much heat, altho you can
counter this by raising the cloth slightly above the greenhouse
cover. 3 mil PP -- this doesn't sound near thick and strong enough. 6 mil
is as thin as I go, and if not UV
treated even it will only last a few months here in full sun. UV will last
3 to 5 years.
>I'm wondering what percentage shade cloth people are using......
cover with 3mil PP or stand alone.
From: "brian williams" pugturd50 at hotmail.com> on 2002.05.20 at 23:29:48(8835)
Here in Louisville, KY zone 6. We can get temperatures from -20f all the way
up to 103f. The temperature makes it very hard to grow many aroids. I uses a
50% shade cloth on top of the greenhouses during the summer but in the
winter it comes off, as the days are shorter and I need to capture as much
heat as I can threw the winter days.
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From: Angel Morales angel151 at earthlink.net> on 2002.05.21 at 04:33:33(8836)
Hey Susan, excuse my ignorance on the subject of shade clothes, but, I was
wondering what you meant by mil & pp?
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From: "Cooper, Susan L." SLCooper at scj.com> on 2002.05.21 at 15:37:42(8837)
mil has to do with the thickness of the plastic. I think a mil is one
thousandth of an inch. So as mil number gets higher, plastic (or paper, or
whatever) gets thicker. PP is Polypropylene film.
LOL- if you type mil into the MSN search engine- the first hit is a
Department of Defense Network Information Center.
BTW (by the way) Angel, I don't know anything about shade cloths either,
that's why I was asking.
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Hey Susan, excuse my ignorance on the subject of shade clothes, but, I was
wondering what you meant by mil & pp?
From: "Michael Pascall" mickpascall at hotmail.com> on 2002.05.22 at 03:52:25(8844)
A 'mil' would be a millimeter , one thousandth of a meter . A 'thou' is a
thousandth of an inch , a big difference .
Michael Pascall,
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From: "Cooper, Susan L." SLCooper at scj.com> on 2002.05.22 at 15:35:11(8849)
That is what I thought intuitively. I got my definition from the web (just
goes to show you everything you read isn't correct). But if mil is
millimeter, wouldn't 7 or 8 mil be really thick plastic??? (Just looking at
my ruler)
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A 'mil' would be a millimeter , one thousandth of a meter . A 'thou' is a
thousandth of an inch , a big difference .
Michael Pascall,
From: Ron McHatton rmchatton at photocircuits.com> on 2002.05.22 at 16:07:30(8850)
The measurement of plastic films in mils in the US refers to
thousandths of an inch. A 7 mil film is .007 inch thick. The same thing
is true in the US with other measurements in mils. The spec on the
distributor points in your car (if it has a distributor) or the spark plug
gap is measured in thousandths and expressed as mils. Its confusing, since
in other parts of the world, Michael is right mil would refer to
Ron McHatton
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-----Original Message-----
From: Cooper, Susan L. [SMTP:SLCooper@scj.com]
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2002 11:35 AM
To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Subject: RE: Shade cloth percentage
That is what I thought intuitively. I got my definition from the web (just
goes to show you everything you read isn't correct). But if mil is
millimeter, wouldn't 7 or 8 mil be really thick plastic??? (Just looking at
my ruler)
A 'mil' would be a millimeter , one thousandth of a meter . A 'thou' is a
thousandth of an inch , a big difference .
Michael Pascall,
From: IntarsiaCo at aol.com on 2002.05.22 at 20:42:29(8852)
In a message dated 5/20/2002 11:13:29 AM Eastern Daylight Time, SLCooper@scj.com writes:
3mil PP
I didn't know that polypropylene (PP) was used for greenhouse coverings.
The most common material used is polyethylene (PE), less so polyurethane (PU).
Mark Mazer
Intarsia Ltd.
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Gaylordsville, Connecticut, U.S.A.
Araceae, Paris, Cape Bulbs
USDA Zone 5
Giant Schnauzer Rescue
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