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Re:apomixis in Asteraceae (is this on topic?)
From: "Derek Burch" derek at horticulturist.com> on 2002.05.16 at 22:36:23(8816)
David, The seeds in some species of dandelion are produced without the
sexual fusion that usually forms the embryo - one of the classic studies in
this was on a genus related to dandelions, Hieracium (Hawkbit or hawkweed)
and apparently it is not unusual in the whole family Asteraceae. They are
still seeds, or actually single-seeded fruits, produced apomictically, but
discussing that would take us even further from aroids.
Joe is right in saying that calling the propagules of A. bulbifer "seeds"
is misleading. There now, "propagule" is a weasel word for us to use that
covers almost anything you can think of that produces one plant from a part
of another. Good for trivia quizzes too. Derek
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