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Amorphophallus problem
From: LMassey628 at aol.com on 2002.05.16 at 18:18:43(8807)
I have the same problem with some of my Amorphophallus plants every year. Some of them seem to get too tall and weak and the plant leans over and can't seem to hold its head up. Does this mean that the plant needs more sun, or should the pot be wider, like a bulb pan so it can develop more horizontal roots and make it sturdier ? I don't think the depth of the pot is the problem, in fact I think if I put the plants into larger pots (deeper and wider) it would increase the problem of too much moisture and encourage rotting.
Thanks for any advice.
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From: GeoffAroid at aol.com on 2002.05.16 at 23:38:54(8817)
In a message dated 5/16/02 18:19:51, LMassey628@aol.com writes:
<< I have the same problem with some of my Amorphophallus plants every year.
Some of them seem to get too tall and weak and the plant leans over and can't
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seem to hold its head up. Does this mean that the plant needs more sun, >>
This is a sure sign that they are in low light, in my experience most of the
Amorphs that I grow will take a lot of sun and then they grow much shorter,
sturdier and darker overall....and I think they make bigger tubers too.
Geoffrey Kibby
From: "Wilbert Hetterscheid" hetter at worldonline.nl> on 2002.05.17 at 20:27:55(8826)
is the problem of being grown in too low light levels. Other than that there are
species that tend to be able to bend very easily, especially when the leaf is
developing. It often happens when they get water sprayed on them. Species
especially sensitive to that are napalensis, muelleri and krausei, and most
Pseudodracontiums. In case of relatively small pots, they may even uproot or
fall over entirely. In this case only large enough pots will
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-----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----Van: aroid-l@mobot.org
LMassey628@aol.comVerzonden: donderdag 16 mei 2002
20:17Aan: Multiple recipients of list AROID-LOnderwerp:
Amorphophallus problemI have the same problem with some of my Amorphophallus plants every
year. Some of them seem to get too tall and weak and the plant leans
over and can't seem to hold its head up. Does this mean that the plant
needs more sun, or should the pot be wider, like a bulb pan so it can develop
more horizontal roots and make it sturdier ? I don't think the depth of
the pot is the problem, in fact I think if I put the plants into larger pots
(deeper and wider) it would increase the problem of too much moisture and
encourage rotting.Thanks for any advice.Linda
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