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Ulearum donburnsii
From: Piabinha at aol.com on 2002.05.15 at 15:53:03(8795)
dear betsy,
>The quite small heart shape leaves often have a white or cream or green
>on green contrasting
>design on the leaves.
| +More |
thanks for the info on this new plant. however, i must disagree with you regarding the size of its leaves. it's actually quite big! they must be at least 5" in width (lord p., you do the math... :-) for everybody else, that's about 12.5 cm). and you are right about the colors, it's a very beautiful plant!
and lord p., no smell on this one either...
>The Ulearum that Tsuh Yang is talking about is new to botany. The
>descriptive paper of this
>new specie is all but finished by Dr. Croat and will be published
>sometime soon in
>'Aroideana.' ?It comes from very deep in the Ecuadorean Amazon Basin and
>is to be named in
>honor of our own Don Burns who recently passed away. This is only the
>second specie of
>Ulearum known and the first known from Ecuador. I ?have been growing
>this plant for ?a year in
>my greenhouse and it has not gone dormant and has had many flowers. It
>is quite easy to grow
>and flowers easily. The flower is not like anything that most have
>known. It has been in bloom
>almost the whole time I have had it. It is a flood plane plant which
>would lead one to believe
>that it might go dormant and come back as the floods come and go, and in
>nature that may be
>true. In a pot, I have not had it go dormant. Needless to say, it is
tsuh yang in nyc
From: "Wilbert Hetterscheid" hetter at worldonline.nl> on 2002.05.15 at 16:55:19(8796)
Oh, c'mon, WHO would want an Ulearum to smell bad??????? I did once cross
Ulearum sagittatum with Amorphophallus bulbifer and the result is indeed a
stinking beauty (Bonaventure and all hybridists, this is your chance to go
mad!!!!). Soon (early April 2003) I will publish the name x Ulephallus
malodorus Hett. You would not believe it but it has large, variegated,
dissected leaves with bulbils all over.............
Lord P.
| +More |
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: aroid-l@mobot.org [mailto:aroid-l@mobot.org]Namens
> Piabinha@aol.com
> Verzonden: woensdag 15 mei 2002 17:51
> Aan: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
> Onderwerp: Re: Ulearum donburnsii
> dear betsy,
> >The quite small heart shape leaves often have a white or
> cream or green
> >on green contrasting
> >design on the leaves.
> thanks for the info on this new plant. however, i must
> disagree with you regarding the size of its leaves. it's
> actually quite big! they must be at least 5" in width (lord
> p., you do the math... :-) for everybody else, that's about
> 12.5 cm). and you are right about the colors, it's a very
> beautiful plant!
> and lord p., no smell on this one either...
> >The Ulearum that Tsuh Yang is talking about is new to botany. The
> >descriptive paper of this
> >new specie is all but finished by Dr. Croat and will be published
> >sometime soon in
> >'Aroideana.' ?It comes from very deep in the Ecuadorean
> Amazon Basin and
> >is to be named in
> >honor of our own Don Burns who recently passed away. This is only the
> >second specie of
> >Ulearum known and the first known from Ecuador. I ?have been growing
> >this plant for ?a year in
> >my greenhouse and it has not gone dormant and has had many
> flowers. It
> >is quite easy to grow
> >and flowers easily. The flower is not like anything that most have
> >known. It has been in bloom
> >almost the whole time I have had it. It is a flood plane plant which
> >would lead one to believe
> >that it might go dormant and come back as the floods come
> and go, and in
> >nature that may be
> >true. In a pot, I have not had it go dormant. Needless to say, it is
> >terrestrial.
> --
> tsuh yang in nyc
From: Betsy Feuerstein ecuador at midsouth.rr.com> on 2002.05.15 at 18:59:27(8798)
Perhaps the difficulty is our definitions of 'quite small.' Or perhaps it is growing conditions in the wild. Or perhaps it is the use of fertilizer. I have not seen the specific plant you are referring to. I have many Ulearum Donburnsii growing in my greenhouse and I am using them as my reference along with my
experience in the field at the local it is known from. It is wonderful that the leaves on your plant are bigger than those that I am aware of. Since we are talking of less than one inch, I might think it has a bit to do with individual leaves, and individual plants, and individual growing conditions, ....and
individual perceptions.
| +More |
Piabinha@aol.com wrote:
> dear betsy,
> >The quite small heart shape leaves often have a white or cream or green
> >on green contrasting
> >design on the leaves.
> thanks for the info on this new plant. however, i must disagree with you regarding the size of its leaves. it's actually quite big! they must be at least 5" in width (lord p., you do the math... :-) for everybody else, that's about 12.5 cm). and you are right about the colors, it's a very beautiful plant!
> and lord p., no smell on this one either...
> >The Ulearum that Tsuh Yang is talking about is new to botany. The
> >descriptive paper of this
> >new specie is all but finished by Dr. Croat and will be published
> >sometime soon in
> >'Aroideana.' It comes from very deep in the Ecuadorean Amazon Basin and
> >is to be named in
> >honor of our own Don Burns who recently passed away. This is only the
> >second specie of
> >Ulearum known and the first known from Ecuador. I have been growing
> >this plant for a year in
> >my greenhouse and it has not gone dormant and has had many flowers. It
> >is quite easy to grow
> >and flowers easily. The flower is not like anything that most have
> >known. It has been in bloom
> >almost the whole time I have had it. It is a flood plane plant which
> >would lead one to believe
> >that it might go dormant and come back as the floods come and go, and in
> >nature that may be
> >true. In a pot, I have not had it go dormant. Needless to say, it is
> >terrestrial.
> --
> tsuh yang in nyc
From: "Randall M. Story" story at caltech.edu> on 2002.05.15 at 19:00:58(8799)
Really?? WOW!! I was under the impression that A. bulbifer was sterile due
to a chromosome count 2n = 39 (mentioned in Wilbert's Aroideana article
excerpt: http://www.aroid.org/genera/amorphophallus/amcult.html ) and that
it produced seed only vegetatively. Did the pollen come from the Ulearum or
the Amorphophallus?
| +More |
Does that mean there is hope for other intergeneric hybrids? I have some
Sauromatum pollen as well as more Sauromatums, a Dracunculus and unless I am
mistaken, an A. bulbifer about to bloom.
The A. bulbifer is from a 3 inch (7.5 cm) tuber (purchased from Odyssey
bulbs) and has what I think are a growing peduncle and unopened spathe of
approximately 2 1/2 inches (6 cm) and 3 inches (7.5 cm) respectively. It
shows no sign of root development and appears very different from another A.
bulbifer which I believe is putting up a leaf.
A question on the A. bulbifer: If I don't remove the inflorescence and it
makes fruits/seeds, will it fail to produce a leaf this year??
>From: "Wilbert Hetterscheid"
>To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
>Subject: RE: Ulearum donburnsii
>Date: Wed, May 15, 2002, 9:55 AM
> Oh, c'mon, WHO would want an Ulearum to smell bad??????? I did once cross
> Ulearum sagittatum with Amorphophallus bulbifer and the result is indeed a
> stinking beauty (Bonaventure and all hybridists, this is your chance to go
> mad!!!!). Soon (early April 2003) I will publish the name x Ulephallus
> malodorus Hett. You would not believe it but it has large, variegated,
> dissected leaves with bulbils all over.............
> Lord P.
From: "Wilbert Hetterscheid" hetter at worldonline.nl> on 2002.05.15 at 19:33:04(8800)
The hybrid product is the result of an autoplyploidisation event in the sex
cells of bulbifer and that followed by a reduction in the cross, leading to
a tertraploid hybrid result........ But maybe I haven't made myself clear. I
am going to pubslish it EARLY APRIL 2003........
As for a serious answer: bulbifer will usually not produce a leaf in the
same season when it is allowed seed set.
Lord P.
| +More |
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: aroid-l@mobot.org [mailto:aroid-l@mobot.org]Namens
> Randall M. Story
> Verzonden: woensdag 15 mei 2002 21:00
> Aan: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
> Onderwerp: Re: Ulearum donburnsii
> Really?? WOW!! I was under the impression that A. bulbifer
> was sterile due
> to a chromosome count 2n = 39 (mentioned in Wilbert's
> Aroideana article
> excerpt:
> http://www.aroid.org/genera/amorphophallus/amcult.html ) and that
> it produced seed only vegetatively. Did the pollen come from
> the Ulearum or
> the Amorphophallus?
> Does that mean there is hope for other intergeneric hybrids?
> I have some
> Sauromatum pollen as well as more Sauromatums, a Dracunculus
> and unless I am
> mistaken, an A. bulbifer about to bloom.
> The A. bulbifer is from a 3 inch (7.5 cm) tuber (purchased
> from Odyssey
> bulbs) and has what I think are a growing peduncle and
> unopened spathe of
> approximately 2 1/2 inches (6 cm) and 3 inches (7.5 cm)
> respectively. It
> shows no sign of root development and appears very different
> from another A.
> bulbifer which I believe is putting up a leaf.
> A question on the A. bulbifer: If I don't remove the
> inflorescence and it
> makes fruits/seeds, will it fail to produce a leaf this year??
> Randy
> ----------
> >From: "Wilbert Hetterscheid"
> >To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
> >Subject: RE: Ulearum donburnsii
> >Date: Wed, May 15, 2002, 9:55 AM
> >
> > Oh, c'mon, WHO would want an Ulearum to smell bad??????? I
> did once cross
> > Ulearum sagittatum with Amorphophallus bulbifer and the
> result is indeed a
> > stinking beauty (Bonaventure and all hybridists, this is
> your chance to go
> > mad!!!!). Soon (early April 2003) I will publish the name x
> Ulephallus
> > malodorus Hett. You would not believe it but it has large,
> variegated,
> > dissected leaves with bulbils all over.............
> >
> > Lord P.
> >
From: mburack at mindspring.com> on 2002.05.15 at 21:05:15(8801)
Strange... my bulbifers always put up a leaf regardless of seed set...
But then again, all my plants are screwed up.
On Wed, 15 May 2002 14:32:58 -0500 (CDT) Wilbert Hetterscheid wrote:
| +More |
The hybrid product is the result of an autoplyploidisation event in the sex
cells of bulbifer and that followed by a reduction in the cross, leading to
a tertraploid hybrid result........ But maybe I haven't made myself clear. I
am going to pubslish it EARLY APRIL 2003........
As for a serious answer: bulbifer will usually not produce a leaf in the
same season when it is allowed seed set.
Lord P.
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: aroid-l@mobot.org [mailto:aroid-l@mobot.org]Namens
> Randall M. Story
> Verzonden: woensdag 15 mei 2002 21:00
> Aan: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
> Onderwerp: Re: Ulearum donburnsii
> Really?? WOW!! I was under the impression that A. bulbifer
> was sterile due
> to a chromosome count 2n = 39 (mentioned in Wilbert's
> Aroideana article
> excerpt:
> http://www.aroid.org/genera/amorphophallus/amcult.html ) and that
> it produced seed only vegetatively. Did the pollen come from
> the Ulearum or
> the Amorphophallus?
> Does that mean there is hope for other intergeneric hybrids?
> I have some
> Sauromatum pollen as well as more Sauromatums, a Dracunculus
> and unless I am
> mistaken, an A. bulbifer about to bloom.
> The A. bulbifer is from a 3 inch (7.5 cm) tuber (purchased
> from Odyssey
> bulbs) and has what I think are a growing peduncle and
> unopened spathe of
> approximately 2 1/2 inches (6 cm) and 3 inches (7.5 cm)
> respectively. It
> shows no sign of root development and appears very different
> from another A.
> bulbifer which I believe is putting up a leaf.
> A question on the A. bulbifer: If I don't remove the
> inflorescence and it
> makes fruits/seeds, will it fail to produce a leaf this year??
> Randy
> ----------
> >From: "Wilbert Hetterscheid"
> >To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
> >Subject: RE: Ulearum donburnsii
> >Date: Wed, May 15, 2002, 9:55 AM
> >
> > Oh, c'mon, WHO would want an Ulearum to smell bad??????? I
> did once cross
> > Ulearum sagittatum with Amorphophallus bulbifer and the
> result is indeed a
> > stinking beauty (Bonaventure and all hybridists, this is
> your chance to go
> > mad!!!!). Soon (early April 2003) I will publish the name x
> Ulephallus
> > malodorus Hett. You would not believe it but it has large,
> variegated,
> > dissected leaves with bulbils all over.............
> >
> > Lord P.
> >
From: "Randall M. Story" story at caltech.edu> on 2002.05.15 at 21:37:31(8802)
Got it, I think. So actually 3n9 for A. bulbifer (triploid not
| +More |
> The hybrid product is the result of an autoplyploidisation event in the sex
> cells of bulbifer and that followed by a reduction in the cross, leading to
> a tertraploid hybrid result........ But maybe I haven't made myself clear. I
> am going to pubslish it EARLY APRIL 2003........
From: "Wilbert Hetterscheid" hetter at worldonline.nl> on 2002.05.16 at 03:09:58(8803)
Yeah, and 4n = 387.5 for the hybrid...........
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: aroid-l@mobot.org [mailto:aroid-l@mobot.org]Namens
> Randall M. Story
> Verzonden: woensdag 15 mei 2002 23:36
> Aan: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
> Onderwerp: Re: Ulearum donburnsii
> Got it, I think. So actually 3n9 for A. bulbifer (triploid not
> aneuploid!)
| +More |
> Thanks,
> Randy
> > The hybrid product is the result of an autoplyploidisation
> event in the sex
> > cells of bulbifer and that followed by a reduction in the
> cross, leading to
> > a tertraploid hybrid result........ But maybe I haven't
> made myself clear. I
> > am going to pubslish it EARLY APRIL 2003........
From: "Wilbert Hetterscheid" hetter at worldonline.nl> on 2002.05.16 at 03:11:41(8804)
O.k., well then I stand corrected. I've never seen it happen here with about
30 plants of bulbifer. neither with its direct relative muelleri. But a
screwed up amorph is far from unbelievable.
| +More |
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: aroid-l@mobot.org [mailto:aroid-l@mobot.org]Namens
> mburack@mindspring.com
> Verzonden: woensdag 15 mei 2002 23:04
> Aan: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
> Onderwerp: RE: Ulearum donburnsii
> Strange... my bulbifers always put up a leaf regardless of seed set...
> But then again, all my plants are screwed up.
> On Wed, 15 May 2002 14:32:58 -0500 (CDT) Wilbert Hetterscheid
> wrote:
> The hybrid product is the result of an autoplyploidisation
> event in the sex
> cells of bulbifer and that followed by a reduction in the
> cross, leading to
> a tertraploid hybrid result........ But maybe I haven't made
> myself clear. I
> am going to pubslish it EARLY APRIL 2003........
> As for a serious answer: bulbifer will usually not produce a
> leaf in the
> same season when it is allowed seed set.
> Lord P.
> > -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> > Van: aroid-l@mobot.org [mailto:aroid-l@mobot.org]Namens
> > Randall M. Story
> > Verzonden: woensdag 15 mei 2002 21:00
> > Aan: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
> > Onderwerp: Re: Ulearum donburnsii
> >
> >
> > Really?? WOW!! I was under the impression that A. bulbifer
> > was sterile due
> > to a chromosome count 2n = 39 (mentioned in Wilbert's
> > Aroideana article
> > excerpt:
> > http://www.aroid.org/genera/amorphophallus/amcult.html ) and that
> > it produced seed only vegetatively. Did the pollen come from
> > the Ulearum or
> > the Amorphophallus?
> >
> > Does that mean there is hope for other intergeneric hybrids?
> > I have some
> > Sauromatum pollen as well as more Sauromatums, a Dracunculus
> > and unless I am
> > mistaken, an A. bulbifer about to bloom.
> >
> > The A. bulbifer is from a 3 inch (7.5 cm) tuber (purchased
> > from Odyssey
> > bulbs) and has what I think are a growing peduncle and
> > unopened spathe of
> > approximately 2 1/2 inches (6 cm) and 3 inches (7.5 cm)
> > respectively. It
> > shows no sign of root development and appears very different
> > from another A.
> > bulbifer which I believe is putting up a leaf.
> >
> > A question on the A. bulbifer: If I don't remove the
> > inflorescence and it
> > makes fruits/seeds, will it fail to produce a leaf this year??
> >
> > Randy
> > ----------
> > >From: "Wilbert Hetterscheid"
> > >To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
> > >Subject: RE: Ulearum donburnsii
> > >Date: Wed, May 15, 2002, 9:55 AM
> > >
> >
> > > Oh, c'mon, WHO would want an Ulearum to smell bad??????? I
> > did once cross
> > > Ulearum sagittatum with Amorphophallus bulbifer and the
> > result is indeed a
> > > stinking beauty (Bonaventure and all hybridists, this is
> > your chance to go
> > > mad!!!!). Soon (early April 2003) I will publish the name x
> > Ulephallus
> > > malodorus Hett. You would not believe it but it has large,
> > variegated,
> > > dissected leaves with bulbils all over.............
> > >
> > > Lord P.
> > >
> >
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2002.05.16 at 18:20:31(8808)
Be cautious, Oh Great Lord Phallus,
Your esteemed eyes are rapidly turning brown, and your nose it grows
exceedingly long!!!
| +More |
>>Oh, c'mon, WHO would want an Ulearum to smell bad??????? I did once cross
Ulearum sagittatum with Amorphophallus bulbifer and the result is indeed a
stinking beauty (Bonaventure and all hybridists, this is your chance to go
mad!!!!). Soon (early April 2003) I will publish the name x Ulephallus
malodorus Hett. You would not believe it but it has large, variegated,
dissected leaves with bulbils all over.............
Lord P.
> -----Oorspronkelijk bericht-----
> Van: aroid-l@mobot.org [mailto:aroid-l@mobot.org]Namens
> Piabinha@aol.com
> Verzonden: woensdag 15 mei 2002 17:51
> Aan: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
> Onderwerp: Re: Ulearum donburnsii
> dear betsy,
> >The quite small heart shape leaves often have a white or
> cream or green
> >on green contrasting
> >design on the leaves.
> thanks for the info on this new plant. however, i must
> disagree with you regarding the size of its leaves. it's
> actually quite big! they must be at least 5" in width (lord
> p., you do the math... :-) for everybody else, that's about
> 12.5 cm). and you are right about the colors, it's a very
> beautiful plant!
> and lord p., no smell on this one either...
> >The Ulearum that Tsuh Yang is talking about is new to botany. The
> >descriptive paper of this
> >new specie is all but finished by Dr. Croat and will be published
> >sometime soon in
> >'Aroideana.' It comes from very deep in the Ecuadorean
> Amazon Basin and
> >is to be named in
> >honor of our own Don Burns who recently passed away. This is only the
> >second specie of
> >Ulearum known and the first known from Ecuador. I have been growing
> >this plant for a year in
> >my greenhouse and it has not gone dormant and has had many
> flowers. It
> >is quite easy to grow
> >and flowers easily. The flower is not like anything that most have
> >known. It has been in bloom
> >almost the whole time I have had it. It is a flood plane plant which
> >would lead one to believe
> >that it might go dormant and come back as the floods come
> and go, and in
> >nature that may be
> >true. In a pot, I have not had it go dormant. Needless to say, it is
> >terrestrial.
> --
> tsuh yang in nyc
From: Durightmm at aol.com on 2002.05.16 at 19:24:27(8810)
A.bulbifer seeds?? I have been under the impression A. bulbifer does not seed but rather, as with dandelions, produce veggetative parts that are simply called seeds. I have collected and grown them on occassion and found them to be unseedlike but vigorous growers. Is this more a botanical technicality? Joe
| |
From: "Plantsman" plantsman at prodigy.net> on 2002.05.16 at 20:58:50(8812)
Are you sure about the dandelion seed thing? I thought what they
produced by the millions in my area were seeds. They sure look like
seeds and accomplish the same pesty purpose . I mean, they are
the result of the pollination of the flower. I've never heard this
proposition put forth before.
David Sizemore
| +More |
Kingsport, TN (Zone 6)
----- Original Message -----
To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Sent: Thursday, May 16, 2002 3:24 PM
Subject: Re: Ulearum donburnsii
A.bulbifer seeds?? I have been under the impression A. bulbifer
does not seed but rather, as with dandelions, produce veggetative
parts that are simply called seeds. I have collected and grown
them on occassion and found them to be unseedlike but vigorous
growers. Is this more a botanical technicality? Joe
From: "Randall M. Story" story at caltech.edu> on 2002.05.17 at 03:14:14(8820)
Okay, Okay, you got me. I just figured this out--maybe my cold or the
pseudoephedrine (AKA Sudafed) I am taking has fuzzed my brain up. For some
reason I thought that April 1st is a uniquely American "holiday"!!!
still, A. bulbifer is triploid, right?
| +More |
> The hybrid product is the result of an autoplyploidisation event in the sex
> cells of bulbifer and that followed by a reduction in the cross, leading to
> a tertraploid hybrid result........ But maybe I haven't made myself clear. I
> am going to pubslish it EARLY APRIL 2003........
Note: this is a very old post, so no reply function is available.