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Ulearum Donburnsii
From: Betsy Feuerstein ecuador at midsouth.rr.com> on 2002.05.15 at 02:43:50(8790)
The Ulearum that Tsuh Yang is talking about is new to botany. The
descriptive paper of this
new specie is all but finished by Dr. Croat and will be published
sometime soon in
'Aroideana.' It comes from very deep in the Ecuadorean Amazon Basin and
is to be named in
honor of our own Don Burns who recently passed away. This is only the
second specie of
Ulearum known and the first known from Ecuador. I have been growing
this plant for a year in
my greenhouse and it has not gone dormant and has had many flowers. It
is quite easy to grow
and flowers easily. The flower is not like anything that most have
known. It has been in bloom
almost the whole time I have had it. It is a flood plane plant which
would lead one to believe
that it might go dormant and come back as the floods come and go, and in
nature that may be
true. In a pot, I have not had it go dormant. Needless to say, it is
The quite small heart shape leaves often have a white or cream or green
on green contrasting
design on the leaves. Some are almost a solid green with a shadow
design. If any of you are
interested in obtaining this plant, please contact me off the list.
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GeoffAroid@aol.com wrote:
Tsuh yang,
Ulearum will bloom regularly every year about this time, often
large numbers of bloom (I havent got mine to set seed yet) but be
aware that
there is often leaf die back shortly afterwards - dont panic! It
should then
send up new leaf growth some time afterwards. Its a beautiful plant
and so
far for me has proven easy to grow in warm, bright conditions.
Geoffrey Kibby
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