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totems for climbers - sources
From: Jonathan Ertelt jonathan.ertelt at vanderbilt.edu> on 2002.05.14 at 20:50:55(8777)
There has been a fair amount of interest expressed over the past few days
in moss and coco fiber totems, so I thought I would pass along this source:
Bosmere Inc, an English company with a U.S. distributor in North Carolina.
They supply both moss poles (2' - 5'), little plastic "dewcups" that can
sit on top for slow running of water into moss poles, and coco fiber poles
(2' and 3') as an "economic alternative" to the moss poles. They do have
lots of other neat stuff - I've been ordering a fair amount of supplies
from them this year. They are online at . Since it
certainly wouldn't hurt, please do mention my name if you place an order (
probably won't help much either, but what the heck). There products do look
very similar to the ones pictured from the Botanical Garden in France.
Good Growing!
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Jonathan Ertelt
Greenhouse Manager
Vanderbilt University Biology Department
Box 1812, Sta. B
Nashville, TN 37235
(615) 322-4054
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