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World Bromeliad Conference
From: "Inez and Len Dolatowski" ldolatow at tampabay.rr.com> on 2002.05.11 at 15:28:28(8753)
The World
Bromeliad Conference 2002, "A BROMELIAD BEACH PARTY", at the Hilton [downtown
St. Petersburg] 333 First St. South, St. Petersburg, Fl. will be open to the
public from 10am to 4pm on Friday, May 17 and Saturday, May 18 and from
10am to 3pm on Sunday, May 19.Day Tickets will be on sale at that
time. For the Judged Bromeliad Show, Sale, and Exhibits....$5 with a $2
discount [$3] for all who are members of ANY botanical society. Wear
nametag or have membership card or other proof.To attend the General
Seminars which will be speakers all day, each day, plus the Show, Sale and
Exhibits is $35 with a $10 discount [$25] for members of a botanical
society.Street parking is free on the weekends and parking will be available
at the Bayfront Center at about $5 per day.Bromeliad beauty to admire and
purchase. JOIN US!
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