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Another Tropical Garden Expo is on here in Cairns
From: "Michael Pascall" mickpascall at hotmail.com> on 2002.05.11 at 15:23:04(8750)
>Subject: Another Tropical Garden Expo is on here in Cairns
>Date: Fri, 10 May 2002 23:03:31 +1000
>Another Tropical Garden Expo is on here in Cairns. I delivered a load of
>Bromeliads for a stall held by
>The Cairns Bromeliad Society. I have been a member for nearly ten years now
>Had quick look around, but every one was still setting up. Arden Dearden
>there completing his display for his 'Equatorial Exotics' I spied several
>Anthuriums I would like to add to my collection .
>A very nice quilted species he collected in Ecuador. It looks like it could
>be the same as the one pictured on David Scherberich's Web site, as sp.
>Ecuador, Sect. Polyneurium Engl.
>Michael P Pascall
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>Editor, International Aroid Society
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