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Who cut the cheese?
From: "Plantsman" plantsman at prodigy.net> on 2002.05.10 at 20:19:28(8749)
I do think that you are right. After all, odor consists of airborne
molecules of the chemicals that are responsible for the odor. A job
I had many years ago required that I travel through an area in
Western North Carolina that was home to a huge Champion (now Blue
Ridge) paper mill. You could smell this mill at least five miles
away or even more if the wind was blowing wrong. I didn't think too
much about this until after I'd left the area the first day and
after getting out of my car for a meal, upon re-entering it, the
smell was very apparent. You could even smell it when I got in it
the next day. The locals there say that it smell like money .
One of the less disturbing aroids that's in bloom right now is my
Arum italicum. I have some very large one's that I bought through
Park Seed Co.'s wholesale division about four years ago that were
very large tubers. Right now, they're showing off some quite large
greenish-yellowish spathes with a very prominent inside dusting of
purple. Very nice and the scent is more like one of those stinky
bathroom deodorizers that you sometimes encounter in old gas
stations. I've got another grouping of A. italicum 'Pictum' that
are also flowering, but their spathes are very pale green colored.
The foliage shape and size is so very different between the two, not
to mention the coloration. They're so nice to have that pretty
foliage during the Fall and Winter when everything else has died
| +More |
David Sizemore
Kingsport, TN
"Also home to a large Weyerhaeuser paper mill"
----- Original Message -----
To: "Multiple recipients of list AROID-L"
Sent: Friday, May 10, 2002 2:46 PM
Subject: Re: A. konjac's blooming
: The Smithsonian Institution has an osteoprep lab. Dead animals
are brought in and placed in a room full of Dermestid beetles. The
building has air filters to remove some of the odor. When the
filters break down, Turkey buzzards can be seen circling overhead.
I do search the skies when my Amorphs are flowering.
: I went in there a couple of times and the smells actually
penetrates clothing. It stays in your clothing until they get
washed. Odors are air born particles.
: Mike Bordelon
: Botany Greenhouse
: Smithsonian Institution
: 4210 Silver Hill Rd.
: Suitland, MD 20746
: 301-238-3130
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