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Heated Selloum
From: "brian williams" pugturd50 at hotmail.com> on 2002.05.09 at 01:57:08(8739)
Went out to my fathers greenhouse today were we have growing a 9ft
Philodendron Selloum. The trunk is about 4 or 5 ft and today it had a 10
inch bloom which had hardly any smell. Later in the afternoon about 8:30 PM
I went out to it. The area around it smelled of old fruit. When I went to
smell it I could defiantly feel heat coming from it. I am talking quite a
lot of heat which really surprised me. I always have heard of aroids
producing heat but I did not think you would really notice it. The spadix
was very very warm. To bad I did not have a thermometer around. I would have
liked to known exactly how hot it was.
Tons of think is bloom here and just about all the tropicals I have for
outside are planted in the new beds.
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