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Zantedeschia - warm and wet
From: Arno King arnoking at yahoo.com> on 2002.05.03 at 14:33:27(8718)
Hello Julius
I grow Zantedeschia in my pond here in Brisbane which
I understand has a climate that is close to that of
the southern tip of Florida. I grow my plant in a pond
along with Typhonodorum, Colocasia and Lasia.
While the plant grows, it has nothing like the vigour
and size of plants from southern climates which it
much prefers. It appears to me that it is a warm
temperate plant and the sub tropics, particularly
summer rainfall and humidity are not ideal. I have
only seen it once being grown north of South-east
Queensland (where Brisbane is located) and this was on
the Atherton Tablelands above Cairns (far north
Queensland), an area which which has a similar climate
to ours.
If you drive up to Toowoomba (2.5 hours from Brisbane
and at a higher altitude with cold winters ), the
plants look very different, the are bigger (1.5 metres
in height as opposed to 500mm), lusher and flower more
profusely. In the southern, moister parts of Australa
the plant naturalises readily and is regarded as a
weed in some states. It certainly does not do that
Many people have compained about having difficulty
with this plant in Brisbane. It seems to me that all
people who grow it with some form of success grow it
in a pot in the pond and give it semi-shade.
I regard my plant as a novelty for this area.
Arno King
| +More |
--- Julius Boos wrote:
> Dear Folks,
> I am loking to aquire/buy a few doramnt tubers of
> Zantedeschia aethopica (or any large, white spathed
> clone) for a friend here in S. Florida who wants to
> grow it 'wet'. Does anyone know the warmth/cold
> requirements of this genus??? Is there a species
> or clone that will grow eell wet and warm??
> I look forward to your replys!
> Cheers,
> Julius
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From: Durightmm at aol.com on 2002.05.04 at 02:37:07(8719)
This dialog about Zantedischia horticulture has been quite revealing. I learned why my attemps to grow them failed. I believed they should be grown as they are in California and Utah etc. cool and dry. David Leedy in Los Angeles grew them casually as groundscapes as described. Boy just when you think you know something!! Glad to get that right. The plants I have now in pots are responding well to the new method. Thanks for bringing this up. Joe
| |
From: Paul Tyerman ptyerman at ozemail.com.au> on 2002.05.04 at 02:39:05(8720)
>I regard my plant as a novelty for this area.
>Arno King
I had to chuckle reading this. It certainly does show how different things
are even within Australia. This plant grows so well down here as you
said...... it certainly isn't much of a novelty . 'Pink Mist'
(sometimes sold as 'Marshmallow' however is definitely more of a novelty
with its pink flowers.
Good to hear from another Aussie (Yes I know you're out there Michael
Pascal from FNQ.... I just meant another another Australian).
Paul Tyerman
| +More |
Canberra, Australia. USDA equivalent - Zone 8/9
Growing.... Galanthus, Erythroniums, Fritillarias, Cyclamen, Crocus,
Cyrtanthus, Liliums, Hellebores, Aroids, Irises plus just about anything
else that doesn't move!!!!!
From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2002.05.04 at 20:17:03(8723)
----- Original Message -----
To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 10:37 PM
Subject: Re: Zantedeschia - warm and
Dear Joe,
Glad the 'exchange' gave you some
good information!
Does anyone remember who the lady
was at the last Miami Aroid show and sale was who had a table w/ boxes of
tubers of these??
| +More |
>>This dialog about
Zantedischia horticulture has been quite revealing. I learned why my
attemps to grow them failed. I believed they should be grown as they are
in California and Utah etc. cool and dry. David Leedy in Los
Angeles grew them casually as groundscapes as described. Boy just
when you think you know something!! Glad to get that right. The
plants I have now in pots are responding well to the new method.
Thanks for bringing this up. Joe
From: "Celeste Whitlow" politicalamazon at charter.net> on 2002.05.05 at 05:20:03(8724)
I don't know if this is an issue in this instance, but from what I have
read, Australian soil is much lower in phosphorus than, for instance, the
Americas. In fact, when we in the U.S. try to grow some of the Australian
natives, we have to be very careful not to give it any phosphorus whatsoever
and hope that our soil in our area is not too heavy in phosphorus (the
Proteus family seems to be the most sensitive).
Of course, if you are growing it in a pot (unless you are using field soil
as part of your media mix), it's a moot point...
| +More |
----- Original Message -----
To: "Multiple recipients of list AROID-L"
Sent: Friday, May 03, 2002 7:33 AM
Subject: Re: Zantedeschia - warm and wet
> Hello Julius
> I grow Zantedeschia in my pond here in Brisbane which
> I understand has a climate that is close to that of
> the southern tip of Florida. I grow my plant in a pond
> along with Typhonodorum, Colocasia and Lasia.
> While the plant grows, it has nothing like the vigour
> and size of plants from southern climates which it
> much prefers. It appears to me that it is a warm
> temperate plant and the sub tropics, particularly
> summer rainfall and humidity are not ideal. I have
> only seen it once being grown north of South-east
> Queensland (where Brisbane is located) and this was on
> the Atherton Tablelands above Cairns (far north
> Queensland), an area which which has a similar climate
> to ours.
> If you drive up to Toowoomba (2.5 hours from Brisbane
> and at a higher altitude with cold winters ), the
> plants look very different, the are bigger (1.5 metres
> in height as opposed to 500mm), lusher and flower more
> profusely. In the southern, moister parts of Australa
> the plant naturalises readily and is regarded as a
> weed in some states. It certainly does not do that
> here.
> Many people have compained about having difficulty
> with this plant in Brisbane. It seems to me that all
> people who grow it with some form of success grow it
> in a pot in the pond and give it semi-shade.
> I regard my plant as a novelty for this area.
> Arno King
> --- Julius Boos wrote:
> > Dear Folks,
> >
> > I am loking to aquire/buy a few doramnt tubers of
> > Zantedeschia aethopica (or any large, white spathed
> > clone) for a friend here in S. Florida who wants to
> > grow it 'wet'. Does anyone know the warmth/cold
> > requirements of this genus??? Is there a species
> > or clone that will grow eell wet and warm??
> >
> > I look forward to your replys!
> >
> > Cheers,
> >
> > Julius
> >
> =====
> Arno
> arnoking@yahoo.com
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