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  Anthurium from Costa Rica
From: Don Martinson llmen at wi.rr.com> on 2002.03.11 at 01:46:25(8272)
While in Costa Rica, I spotted an anthurium with the spathe colored
as shown in the photo link below:


Is this characteristic of any particular cultivar? It appears that
the spathe eventually turns all green.

Don Martinson

From: "Jay Vannini" interbnk at terra.com.gt> on 2002.03.11 at 04:49:25(8273)

This is what is called an "Obake"-type Anthurium andraeanum hybrid, cud be
'Miura' or a derivative/sibling of this clone. This characteristic is
somewhat unstable, even in plants selected for it, and I have had "Obakes"
appear spontaneously on yer common or garden variety 'Nitta" - only to
disappear for several seasons (or forever!) on the same plant. Hmmmmmmm...

A Communist plot?

From: Piabinha at aol.com on 2002.03.12 at 05:10:14(8280)
don, i'm surprised you haven't seen those; at least in nyc, they are not uncommon as cut flowers. i personally don't like them that much, they look like monstrous anth. on steroids... the shape and size are huge and they come in several colors.

tsuh yang chen, nyc, USA

From: Don Martinson llmen at wi.rr.com> on 2002.03.13 at 02:58:17(8284)
Title: Re: Anthurium from Costa Rica

don, i'm surprised you haven't seen those; at least
in nyc, they are not uncommon as cut flowers. i personally
don't like them that much, they look like monstrous anth. on
steroids... the shape and size are huge and they come in
several colors.

From: "Julius Boos" ju-bo at msn.com> on 2002.03.14 at 05:13:50(8285)
Title: Re: Anthurium from Costa Rica

----- Original Message -----
Don Martinson

To: Multiple recipients of list AROID-L
Sent: Tuesday, March 12, 2002 9:58
Subject: Re: Anthurium from Costa

Hello Friends,

WAy back (35-40 years?) in
Trinidad when my Dad used to cross-pollinate Anthuriums and develop new
colors and shapes, we weeded out any that had the green 'extentions' to the
spathe, these were considered to be serious 'faults' back then, but these
were developed in Hawaii to be this 'type' of Anthurium and today are
considered by some to be beautiful!


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