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From: "WEAVER,BILL (HP-USA,ex3)" bill_weaver at hp.com> on 2001.09.04 at 13:29:15(7325)
This is a bit off topic, but I was wondering if anyone
on this list is familiar with the care and feeding of a
Theobroma cacao? (cocoa tree) I thought with the expertise
on this list someone might be able to tell me what kind of
potting mix I should keep this in. (It is currently about
a foot tall and still in the original 4 inch pot)
Thank You
Bill Weaver
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From: mburack at mindspring.com on 2001.09.05 at 01:42:08(7340)
I have it T. cacao in a 6" pot with nothing but common potting soil and I fertilize it when I remember when it is there.
I have only found that it is very slow growing (for me) and it likes plenty of shade.
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aroid-l@mobot.org wrote:
> This is a bit off topic, but I was wondering if anyone
on this list is familiar with the care and feeding of a
Theobroma cacao? (cocoa tree) I thought with the expertise
on this list someone might be able to tell me what kind of
potting mix I should keep this in. (It is currently about
a foot tall and still in the original 4 inch pot)
Thank You
Bill Weaver
From: "Michael Pascall" mickpascall at hotmail.com> on 2001.09.05 at 15:26:39(7354)
We have a few Theobroma spp. in cultivation here .
T.cacoa while young prefers 50% shade , and frequent watering . In its
native habitat it grows in groups along riverbanks and may stand in flowing
water for 6 months at a time .It is a very tropical plant and has a very big
tap root , so would not thrive in a pot, especially over winter outside of
its ideal temp. range.
A well grown plant looks stunning and the fruits are amazing as they can be
a few different colours, yellow,red,purple! Also the flesh around the beans
can be very sweet , a real treat.
Michael Pascall,Curator,
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