From: Tom Croat Thomas.Croat at> on 2001.07.22 at 22:33:48(7082)
Title: Molecular work on Arisaema
Dear Aroiders:
Having just seen Susanne Renner's announcement of a new study on the molecular biology of Arisaema prompts me to congratulate this new effort and to encourage the assistance of all of you have some spare leaf material. Since most Arisaema do not carry many leaves getting samples may not always be easy to do but you may have a plant with a damaged blade that you wish to dispose of and would not mind cutting off a fresh piece of the blade (4 x 4 cm) for this study. As things become more organized and I determine which species I can contribute here in St. Louis we will be in contact with some of you who grow Arisaema for the possibility of obtaining material. Perhaps the best approach would be for Susanne to list the species that she obtains more or less when they become available and that way others could see that you have species that are not include in our list.
Susanne is a very serious, dedicated and brilliant researcher so your efforts at contributing to this project being carried out with Dr. Jin Murata and Libing Zhang will be put to very good use and will hopefully answer some of the very important questions that they have posed. I strongly urge your participation in any way that you can.
Tom Croat